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* outfit she wears in this chapter above (after the bar mitzvah) *

* outfit she wears in this chapter above (after the bar mitzvah) *

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Elena stared at Richie in shock. 

"You like..me?" She breathed slowly. Richie raised his eyes to look into the girls. He hesitantly nodded.

"Yes. A lot," He gulped. Elena smiled at him.

"I like you too," She blushed. 

Richie's jaw dropped slightly but he quickly closed it again. "You d-do?" He stammered.

Elena nodded, still smiling. At this point, they were no longer swaying or dancing. They were just stood there, looking into each other's eyes deeply. 

Elena wrapped her arms around Richie's neck and hugged him, he hugged tightly back. Richie then pulled away and scanned her face for a moment or two. 

And then he kissed her. The kiss came as a surprise to Elena, but she kissed back eventually. The kiss lasted about 10 seconds and they pulled away, both their hearts beating rapidly.

"So..I guess you're my girlfriend now?" He wiggled his eyebrows at the blonde girl. She smiled, her face still blushing red.

"I guess so," She rolled her eyes, a smile still on her face. 

"Oh. My. God!" Someone broke in. They both turned their heads and saw Stanley stood there. "You guys just..k-kissed!".

★ ★ ★

The next morning, Elena was meeting her new boyfriend in the arcade. Stan refused to come because he was afraid he'd be 'third wheeling' plus he's hopeless at playing video games.

"Ha! I won!" Elena stuck out her tongue at Richie. Richie rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. I let you win," He stated. Elena chuckled. Richie sighed and turned around to see his favourite video game was available, finally.

They had been waiting all day to play the street fighting game, but there was this group of boys hogging it.

"It's free! Fucking finally!" Richie exclaimed and ran over to the game, scared someone else would take it. "Pass me a penny,".

Elena dug around her pockets and pulled out a penny, handing it to him.

"Thanks, blondie," He started the game. Elena watched as he repeatedly threw punches at the guy in the game.

"Richie! Elena!" A voice yelled from the entrance. Elena turned her head to see a very worried looking Bill walking towards them. Richie glanced at him only to quickly look back at the game.

"What do you want?" Richie scoffed. "See that guy I'm hitting? I'm pretending it's you!".

"What's wrong, Bill?" Elena asked the stuttering boy, noticing his worried expression. 

"I-I-It got Beverly," Bill stammered, his face very red. Elena's heart stopped beating for a second.

"What are you talking about?" Richie continued to focus on the game he was playing.

"It, Richie! It got Beverly," Bill gulped. Richie stopped playing the game and turned to face him, adjusting his glasses.

★ ★ ★

So there they were, cycling towards the house on Neibolt street, yet again. All of them reunited and were now on their way to save their friend, Beverly. Mike had brought his bolt gun as a weapon.

They flung their bikes down on the road outside the house (Once again, Stanley putting his on a stand) and slowly walked up towards the house. Bill bent down and fixed up a spear he brought as his own weapon.

Meanwhile, Eddie was staring at his fanny pack in disgust. Elena smiled as Eddie threw it off into the bushes. 

Richie picked up an empty bottle of beer and smashed it against the wooden banister leading up to the house. He turned around to face the group who were staring at him. He threw the remains of the bottle to the side, frowning.

As they all walked up into the house, little did they know that they were being watched.

Bill, Richie and Elena were the first to enter the house. They scanned the area, unsurely. Bill shone his flashlight around. 

"Stan?" Ben questioned, looking outside the door. They all turned their heads to face Stan who was stood his ground right outside the house. 

"Stan, we all have to go in..Beverly was right. We have to stick together," Elena sighed, trying to convince Stanley to step inside the house. 

"She's right. If we split up again like last time, that clown will kill us off one by one," Bill nodded. "But if we s-stick together, all of us..We'll win. I promise,".

Stanley reluctantly stepped inside the house to the groups approval. They all made their way to the basement that was filled with cobwebs.

"Hey, Eddie," Richie spoke, staring at the well. "You got a quarter?".

"Wouldn't wanna make a wish in that fuckin' thing," Eddie breathed, looking down into the well.

"Beverly?" Ben yelled down into the well, hoping for a response. But as expected, none was received. His voice simply just echoed down the well

"How're we supposed to get down there?" Mike questioned, staring down into the well. Bill turned around and flashed his torch on some ropes. 

"Them," He cocked his head towards the rope. Mike and Bill got the rope and threw it down the well. 

Mike pulled on the rope, making sure it was firm enough to climb down on. "Who's first?" He asked.

Bill stepped forward and clambered down the well, holding on to the rope for support. Then Eddie went. Then Stan. Then Richie. Then Ben.

"You ready?" Mike turned to Elena. She gulped and nodded. Just as he was helping her up, he screamed in pain. Elena swiftly turned around, her hands still clutched around the rope.

Her eyes widened. Henry Bowers had hit Mike with a metal looking pole on his back. He stumbled down and leaned down to Mike.

"Oh my fucking God!" She gasped. Henry had moved into the light and revealed blood all over his face.

"Move, bitch," Bowers growled at the blonde girl and shoved her out of the way, causing her to fall back on top of some chains. She groaned loudly in pain.

"MIKE? ELENA?" Eddie shouted up the well. "WHAT'S GOING ON!?".

Elena watched in terror as Bowers flung Mike across the room, Mike's gun flying to the side. 

"GUYS?!" Richie hollered. "YOU OKAY?!".

Bowers walked to the side of the well, looking down in it. Elena picked herself up and went to push Bowers down the well, but Henry quickly turned on his heel and caught her arm as she raised it. He pushed her to the side again.

He then turned back around and grabbed the rope, yanking it back up. The losers yelled in dismay. "GET THE ROPE! CATCH IT!" They yelled.

Henry spun around again to face Mike who was groaning in pain. "You didn't listen to what I told you, did ya?" He said in a low voice. "You should of stayed out of town. Your parents didn't, and look what happened to them,".

Elena spotted the gun on the ground and went to grab it. She slowly picked it up, trying to be as quiet as she could. Mike saw her doing this from the corner of his eye and started breathing heavily.

Henry continued to rant on about Mike and his parents. But then, Bowers turned and twisted Elena's arm, slapping the gun out of her hands making her yelp.

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