Assistants Assistant

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My eyes were fixated on him. It was the end of the day and all I could watch was the beautiful man through the glass. It was my third week here and I was still the newbie. I was the youngest employee at this company; aged seventeen, and I was also the most nervous. Everyone else was use to the way things went around here. Everyone was use to everything … including him, the boss, Mr. Styles.

He sounds pretty intimidating when I put it that way … but he wasn’t. Well, at least I thought he wasn’t. We hadn’t spoken too much although he hired me. I was interviewed by his main secretary. I was the assistant to her so I basically worked for the both of them. It was lucky I got this job if I was being completely honest. Being from America gave me an advantage. The company wanted a foreigner. Although I didn’t really consider myself that, we spoke the same language. But that was the ignorant side of me speaking.

I guess it’s when she first saw me on the street getting ready to cross the road. I was mumbling to myself, it’s a funny story. She asked me if I was alright because I had been wearing a long loose pink dress with small booties, gloves and a wool beanie. It was the start of November and I was out in barely anything, I was freezing. I was experimenting with the climate around Britain. Measuring the relationship between temperature and layer of clothing, along with the types of clothing, material etc. explaining this to her only made a huge smile come to her face as she told me all about how she was looking for an assistant and I seemed like an intelligent person. I needed a job, also thought it would be great experience. So I took her offer.

But I couldn’t hide the fact that I was more nervous than I had ever been. After talking to Mr. Styles and then her officially interviewing me, I was all set to go in the next few days. And so far I have been enjoying the job and dreading all the anxiety that came along with it.

Maybe for normal people, this job was a piece of cake. Assistant of an assistant, not too hard. But I overanalyzed everything I came across and made things difficult.

Mr. Styles was an attractive man who I had only spoken to twice. Once when Camryn, his secretary, was running late with his lunch and another time was my first day and we were introduced. He gave me a kind smile and stern hand shake. He seemed like he belonged in a magazine with his well-defined features. And I couldn’t keep my eyes off of his. They were like glass, green glass that you could see right through. I was mesmerized by him. And hearing him say my name followed by the words welcome … I had it replayed over and over in my head.

I felt a tap at my shoulder and it was Camryn. I turned from peering at Mr. Styles and looked at her ready to work.

“You want to catch dinner with me and Thomas?” she asks with her bright brown eyes smiling, overshadowing her slightly yellowed teeth. I saw a strand of her blonde hair curl upwards around her ears and a piece of white lint seemed to be there. I wanted to tell her, but I let it go.

“Um … I would, but you told me I needed those papers for the Ingrid report in to Mr. Styles by midnight and I haven’t finished yet.” I say quietly.

“Ah, yeah. I forgot, you see.” She points to her head with a finger and twirls it to indicate she was crazy and I crack a grin. “Well … I will catch you later then. Or, how would you say in American, see ya dude.” She attempted an “American accent” and I was rolling my eyes and giggling.

“Catch you later then.” I say to her as Thomas waltzes out of his cubicle and links arms with her. He gives me a wave and I return it.

I turn to my small desk and crack my knuckles. It was nearing ten … I could get this done.


I felt like my heart would explode like a grenade because I was rushing and rushing to finish and it was nearing twelve. Eleven fifty eight to be exact. I just had to make sure the font was correct and then … finish. I printed and tapped my foot as several pages printed and I took a moment to notice the place. It seemed deserted. Downstairs maybe there were people there, but on the twenty-fourth floor, not a soul but mine and … Mr. Styles.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2014 ⏰

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