⚡️Chap 6 - Hangout⚡️

Começar do início

I blushed and got off my arms around him. I sighed. J-Hope kept screaming all the time,almost everyone did. It was so noisy, I had to get out of the place. I walked to the front door of the house with my hands on my ears,shutting them,so I can't hear any of their screams.

I finally got out of the place and sighed. I got out my phone and texted my mom.

Text Message To Mom:

Eunhee:  Mom,I'll be going home late. I'm hanging out with some of my friends. I won't do anything stupid if you're worried. 😬

End Of Text Message

I sighed and put my phone in my pocket. I kept walking around the place until I heard a voice.

"You okay?" The voice asked. I turned around and saw Taehyung,with his smile again. "Yeah,I'm fine." I replied to him and Taehyung nodded. "Just making sure." He said and looked around. He gasped and clapped.

"Follow me Eunhee!" He ran like a child and I followed him,keeping up in the same pace.

Where are we? I thought a while later. We were in a deserted playground,It was night so It's reasonable. "What are we doing here?" I asked him and He sat on a swing. I sat on the other one and Taehyung grinned at me.

"Swing race?" He asked and I nodded. Me and him did a swing race. The first match Taehyung won. The second match I won. The final match will decide in the winner.

"I'm going to defeat you!" I said swinging in the air. I was an inch ahead of him. "NUH-UH!" He shook his head and went faster. I gasped and did a faster pace. "Stupid...." I muttered and kept going. Sooner or later,He was already ahead of me. Like SUPER Ahead of me. I suddenly stopped and jumped on the ground with the perfect landing. "Are you sure you won't fall or anything?" I shouted to him so he can hear.

"Yeah Yeah! I'm sure. Now move out of the way." He shouted back. I was a bit worried,The height was very very tall.{Sorry for the bad English lol. I don't know how to describe that well. 😝}

{ Taehyung POV }

I was a bit nervous. I know Eunhee was just worried and all. I took a deep breath in and out and closed my eyes. I jumped.

I fell on my back with a really hard !THUMP!

"Aigoo! This pabo for real. Are you okay?" Eunhee said and grabbed me. She placed my arm on her other shoulder and carried me to Jimins house {The White House,The one that they did a movie or whatever}

I dozed off after that.

{ Eunhee POV }

I swear this guy is trouble. I even got worried about him. DANG! This guy is so heavy. This is not how you treat a lady. I sighed at the thought and knocked on the door.

Namjoon opened it,"What the heck happened?!"

He got Taehyung and placed him on the couch. Jin got an ice pack and gave it to him. Taehyung placed the Ice pack on a certain spot on his back. "He jumped from a swing with a very very {tall???} height." I replied quickly. I got in the house, I noticed that Jimin and J-Hope was still scared. They kept shivering and all. Jungkook tried to calm them down,but he just kept scaring them instead by doing creepy stories and all.

Jin cooked some hot soup for Taehyung. I slowly got the bowl {with the hot soup} and fed Taehyung. Taehyung smiled afterwards.

"Eunhee....." He croaked.

"What do you want now Pabo? Want a towel? Want me to wash your hair and all? Geez....You could've thought this through. I'm treating you like a king and I don't even do that to people." I grumbled and placed the bowl on the floor. It was wiped clean.

He laughed a bit and coughed,"Tha-Thanks I guess. I really ap-appreciate it." Taehyung thanked me and smiled. I just nodded and left.

He grabbed me by the wrist and whispered," This is one of the things that make you precious to me."


Thanks for reading and waiting! Love you all so much 🤗

Sorry for the long wait by the way.

I will also update some of my stories :3


{BTS V FF} Handsome Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora