Part 9 Black Dragons

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Read SophieTheDragonLover 's book first to understand what is going on up to this moment
(srry it short).

Last time Astrid POV
We were locked in each other's eyes until I saw nothing.
I couldn't see anything for while as something black swarmed around me, making me trip just then a giant black dragon came from out of nowhere.

Third POV
A swarm of Night Terrors flew around Astrid soon becoming a giant Night Terror that flew from the cliff into the air, hovering right behind Hiccup as he stared at the people of Berk in front of him. Said people were shocked. Hiccup moved and looked up at them and the Night Terrors moved into position and roared.
"Hiccup!" Yelled Stoick running towards him, axe in hand, desperately trying to protect him. Instead Hiccup pulled out a blade made of fire pointed at Stoick's neck at an inhumanly speed stopping him dead in his tracks hands raised.
"Get off my island!" Hiccup spoke through gritted teeth in a threatening manner and somehow contained a calm posture, which surprised the people of Berk. Hiccup made a loud dragon like roar and then started to run to the end of the cliff, and jumped off.
"Hiccup!!" Astrid yelled running to the cliff edge, but he was gone when they looked down.

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