All the students began shuffling out of the room as Harry moved slightly out of their way, a few of the girls checking him out as they left.

When all of the kids had left, Harry turned back towards Rose and entered the classroom.

"So, Miss Stewart, huh?", Harry said, smiling.

Rose smiled slightly.

"Guess so", she said.

Harry's heartbeat faster as her voice traveled through him once again.

Her accent he so dearly loved, awakening his senses again.

Rose's eyes drifted to the flowers in Harry's hands.

He suddenly remembered where he was.

"Oh, these are for you. I remembered they were your favorites", Harry said, shyly handing them to her.

She smiled and took them.

"Orchids. So you do pay attention then?", she asks, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"I try", Harry says.

Rose filled up a container with water and placed the flowers in them.

"I don't get a hug or anything? Aren't you happy I'm back?", Harry asked.

Rose scoffed slightly.

"To be honest. I didn't actually think that you would come back", Rose said.

Harry's eyebrows creased.

"Of course I'd come back. Why wouldn't I come back?", Harry asked.

"Harry, you didn't call or text me at all. Not even once", Rose said.

Harry looked down at his feet quick, then back up at Rose.

"Kind of hard to do when you never even gave me your number, love", Harry said.

Rose's face softened as she realized he was right.

"God I'm such an idiot", Rose said, outing a hand to her face.

Harry chuckled.

"No you're not. We all make mistakes", Harry says.

Rose's eyes widen slightly as if she remembered something.

"Yeah, about that. Harry, we need to talk", Rose says.

"About what?", Harry asks.

Rose grabs her bag and walks towards Harry.

"This ain't the place to do it. Come on, we'll go back to my place", Rose says.

Harry follows her out of the classroom, and heads out of the school.

A few of the girls continue to check Harry out.

"He's taken, ladies", Rose says, as they pass the girls.

The girls quickly look up in shock, but pout slightly.

Harry just silently laughs to himself.

But inside, his heart jumps by the word 'taken'.

Were they actually together?

He hoped so.

Rose unlocked her car, and smirked at Harry.

"Get in dreamer boy", Rose said, ducking her head to get in on the drivers side.

Rose had started calling Harry 'dreamer boy' the first night they met due to all the stories Harry told her about all of his dreams that he wanted o accomplish from when he was younger, and some he still had now.

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