Severed Introductions

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Word Count: 831

I cursed at myself for leaning so far against the door that it gave me away.

The sounds of footsteps approaching the door startled me and out of my steadily increasing heartbeat I half ran/half tip toed to the corner of the hall and out of sight.

I listened as the door was creaked all the way open for a moment before closing securely.

I sighed in relief. Tucking the conversation in the back of my mind, I slowly went back down the hallway, I found Shiro, thank God he was actually on this ship or else I would've had no idea what to have done from there.

I placed my hand on the handle, and with a deep breath, opened the door.

Five heads turned in my direction as the traitor door squeaked again.

"I really must get that fixed." Murmured a red-haired man, playing with the tips of his mustache in the back of the room, his pointy ears clearly giving away that he was alien.

"Moragna," Shiro said, "you're awake."

I flinched at the name, did I have to be called that?

Shiro frowned as he noticed my action, but didn't say anything.

"Yeah, I guess so." I said, letting out a light laugh after noticing Shiro's concerned expression.

"Hello," the woman with the white hair came into the conversation and stopping my conversation with Shiro for now. The woman came up to me, shaking my hand in a firm grip. "I'm Princess Allura of-"

"Altea." I finished, tilting my head a little recognizing the descriptions of a prisoner who had been temporarily held in the cell I had been in, I watched as her face melted into shock.

"How did you-"

"Know?" I finished again. I shrugged, our hands, still clasped together, long forgotten by the princess, I slowly pulled my hand out of her now slack grasp back to my side. I pointed up to my head. "Your ears sort of give it away, and your markings under your eyes suggest that your royalty or serves it. Someone I used to know liked to tell me stories about you and Alfor."

Allura's crystal blue eyes were widened in shock now.

I raised an eyebrow. "Did I say something wrong?" I asked.

Seeming to have gotten out of her shock of staring at me like a gaping fish, the princess shook her head. "Oh, no, of course not, I just have not met someone who knows so much about Alteans." A forced laugh came out of her mouth at the end.

I shrugged. "Being prisoner for years teaches you a thing or two about other aliens."

"But-"Allura bit her lip, "Alteans have been almost extinct for ten thousand years, how could you know about them?"

I blinked. "There was an Altean that had I shared a cell with, she never seemed to give up hope that you were alive."

A small gasp of surprise left the princess's mouth. "Do you know where she is now?"

"Dead." I said, a little too flatly, "She tried escaping in an escape pod, but it was shot down."

Her face fell, I felt bad for crushing her hopes and part of me wished that I could take it back.

A still silence fell over the room when suddenly the smallest person in the room stood up from being seated in a chair. "Well, sorry to interrupt this awkward situation, but I'm gonna go find Keith and Lance." They said, stepping out of the room.

Shiro cleared his throat. "Well, you know me and Allura. This is Coran," He said. Gesturing to the Altean in the back, still twirling his mustache. "This is Hunk." He jerked his head toward the larger teen beside Shiro.

Hunk gave a small wave. "And the person that just left is Pidge." He added.

I nodded, recognizing her voice from Shiro's earpiece earlier.

I jumped at the sound of the door reopening behind me and turned as Pidge entered the room, the black-haired teen from the training room right behind her and the nagging feeling returned.

"That's Keith." She said.

I watched as he moved toward the back of the group, crossing his arms over the red, white, and yellow jacket he now had on, I was sure that his eyes were on me any time that I wasn't looking in his direction.

"Where's Lance?" Shiro asked, his brows furrowed.

Pidge shrugged. "He wasn't in the infirmary, or his room."

As if hearing his name, the door creaked open again and I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped. "Hey, I was looking-"

Quick as a flash, I grabbed the person's hand, swung him over my shoulder, and pounded him onto the floor with a loud thud.

The room was dead silent except for the loud groaning of a surprised Lance sprawled out on the floor, his eyes closed.


"Heck, yeah, she's staying!" Pidge suddenly exclaimed, a bright camera flash coming from her direction.


Heh, heh. Sorry, not sorry, Lance *innocent smile* 


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