Overprotective!Cuphead x Reader

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[So this was requested by @Yessocrab hope it's okayyyy. Also I'm glad someone requested this.]

[(Y/N) POV]
Everything was happening so fast, I was unable to see where the water was taking me as it was so ruff. I was dragged under then back up again. Oh, did I not make myself clear, well I'm stuck in a river, quickly traveling down the current. Wanna know how...well heh, it all started with that demon and his brother...

Walking in between Bendy and Boris, completely and utterly bored,
"Are we almost there?..."
"(Y/N) even you know we're not sure where these pieces are, so it could take ages."
"But walking round cluelessly is boring..."
"She has a point Bendy..."
"Ok fine, we can stop. But only for a little bit"
We set up camp near to a following river, so I got the idea of going and messing around by it. I was bored I had to do something that was at least the smallest bit fun. Big mistake, I didn't even tell Bendy or Boris I was going I just left. I stopped at the river bank and looked down at the racing water, the river wasn't very wide so it was possibly to jump to the other side, so that's what I tried to do. But my foot hit some rocks and threw me off balance. I ended up in the water, unable to keep myself up.
*end of flashback*

[Cuphead POV]
We were in the middle of no where,
"Are you sure they went this way"
I was ahead of Mugman, leading the way like usual. I'm sure I saw that demon and his brother go this way.
"Stop with the questions and keep up already"
Mugman caught up to me, until something caught his eye and stopped.
"Seriously, now why have you stopped?"
I looked over at where he was looking, it was just a river. What was so interesting about it?
He got closer to the bank and I followed him, slightly confused.
"Mugs, what are you looking at?"
"I'm sure I saw something in the water"
I looked up and down the river,
"No, I don't think so-"
That's when I noticed a (F/A) struggling to stay afloat.
"Shit, come on Mugs we gotta find a way to help her."
We both ran beside the river, keeping up with the her. She had now gone under the water and didn't come back up. We stopped in our tracks and I threw off my jacket. I jumped into the river, spotting the (F/A) almost straight away and grabbed her.

I got to the side of the bank and pushed the (F/A) out as Mugman grabbed hold of her. I pulled myself now cold and drenched. I picked up my jacket and wrapped it round the (F/A) who was shivering like mad, while trying to get the breathing back to normal.
"Don't mention it..."
I took her out of Mugman's and held her. For some reason I just didn't want to let go, it was like I had to be with her I had to keep her close.

[(Y/N) POV]
I looked up at the guy who had saved me, he was holding me close like I was just going to get up and leave, which even I knew wasn't true.
"I-i'm okay now...thank you again"
He loosened his grip on me a little bit, still looking down at me.
"Good. Oh by the way I'm Cuphead."
He flashed a smile at me, which made me blush lightly.
I got off his lap and got up, he stood up after me. He was still a little close but I didn't mind,
"So, uh how did you end up in the river anyway?"
"Oh right...well, I was helping this demon Bendy and his brother Boris find these missing ink machine pieces and I got bored so we stopped off and set up camp. I went down to the near by river and kinda messed around...ending up in there"
"Wait Bendy and Boris?"
"You know them, they helped me so I promised to help them."
"Can you take us to them?"
"Uh sure, why not. Just follow me"
I walked in between Cuphead and his brother Mugman, they seemed nice enough well Cuphead sort of did save me.
We finally got to their camp, I ran ahead.
"Bendy! Boris!"
Both Bendy and Boris ran over, hugging me.
"(Y/N), where did you go?!"
"I fell in the near by river but e saved me."
I pointed over at Cuphead, Bendy and Boris both froze.
"You Guys ok?"
Before they even answered me, Bendy picked me up and ran with Boris following.

I looked back at Cuphead and Mugman, who were running close behind us.
"Bendy, what are you doing?!"
"Keeping you away from any danger."
"Danger? But Cuphead's no danger."
"He's trying to kill us."
I looked away from Cuphead, lost in thought. They're really trying to kill us...

I was thrown out of my thoughts when, someone pulled me out of Bendy's grip and ran in the opposite direction.

[Cuphead POV]
I held (Y/N) over my shoulder as we ran off from Bendy and Boris. They don't run away with her, I run away with her. Who knows what they'd do to her.
We soon slowed down and I placed (Y/N) back on the floor.
"Cuphead what was that for and anything what's up with you trying to kill Bendy I want to know everything"
"Well...we weren't going to kill him and his brother. I can't as Boris and Mugman we're attempting to become friends. I just...wanted to get...you"
"Yes, you...I didn't want to see them do anything to you. I just want to keep you close by so I know your okay."
"Oh Cuphead...it's not like they're going to do anything bad to me. I just wanted to help them."
"You can never trust them..."
I held (Y/N) closer as she finally gave in and sighed quietly.
"Ok, I get it. But you don't have to just take me, use words you know it's know a crime to be over protective."
"I know I just didn't want to admit it when I was around others. Just in case...they take it the wrong way..."
"Cuphead, first of stop thinking of the worst nothing bad will happen to me and second, chill."
I let go of (Y/N) who actually smiled and reached up, kissing my cheek gently.

[(Y/N) POV]
I liked Cuphead, of course I did. But I didn't want to just fall into his arms and let him hide me away from everyone. I knew he liked me and didn't want anyone to take me away from him, but I might as well show him how I feel.
"You can't keep my from everyone you know, I mean it's not the end of the world if I talk to someone else."
"I know...I just don't want you alone with anyone..."
"Your just over worrying, I'll always be ok and if I'm in any danger, I'll just shout and call for you."
He just stood there in deep thought, then smiled a little,
"I'll think about it..."
At least I'm getting somewhere then, now both of us seemed kinda tense so I did the first thing that came to mind.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him, he instantly kissed back which is no surprise. He wrapped his arms around my waist, so I couldn't go anyway.

Well, at least I know I'll always be safe from danger with Cuphead looking over me all the time.

[There done, hope it was good enough. It's defiantly not my best or anything but hey, it's a one-shot none the less]

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