Tokoyami's anger

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I immediately slammed the door open and began to frantically searched my pills.

'I need them. NOW.'

My father was at home and heard the noise of me throwing bottles after bottles.

"What is going on here ?!" He looked at my sister. "Kyousou, what happened today ?" He asked her and I don't know if this is me or something but it sounded like he was worried.

He knew that Kyousou was my sister because she explained everything to him when she came and now lived with us. I finally found the pills and took them immeditely.

When my breathing was steadier I spoke. "It's him. This bastard came again."

I didn't need to say more, I knew that Father understood the meaning between my words.

Then I ran to my room and locked the door, Kyou-chan and Gakushuu were knocking on it like crazy but I didn't care. I bandaged my hands before looking after something in my stuff.

When I finally found it, I went to the bathroom and in the next few minutes, I felt nothing but pain in my neck.

"I'll be stronger. I'll be stronger and defeat you. Both of you." I spoke looking at my reflection.

Tokoyami's POV:

I groaned as I heard my alarm clock, I rolled on my side but unfortunately landed on the ground.

"Ow ! Itai... (It hurts)" I mumbled before getting up and stopping the damn sound of my alarm clock before noticing that I was still wearing the clothes from yesterday so I quickly took a shower and took a pill after geting dressed.

When I opened the door, I was immediately faced with my sister's cheerful smile.

"Ohayo Yami Yami !" She energitically greeted me as she pumped her fist in the air.

I yawned before replying a little. "Morning..."

"Asano-kun is waiting in the living room." She said as I followed her down the stairs.

"Hmm... What is he doing here ?" I asked curiously.

"It's obvious ! After how you acted yesterday when we came home, it's normal to be worried about you." She explained to me with a pout as we entered the living room where Gakushuu was waiting for us on the couch.

"I see that you're finally awake." He spoke.

"Morning to you too" I answered before letting out another yawn "And I may be there physically but my mind is still sleeping." I monotonously said as I took an apple before going out with Kyoumou and Gakushuu by my sides.

"Your hands don't hurt you too much ?" Asked the bespectacled girl with a worried gaze at my bandaged hands.

"I'm fine." I mumbled after yawning as I rubbed my eyes. "Fine but sleepy." I added.

"We can see that." There a pause before he added. "All you've been doing for the past minutes is yawning. You're sure that you slept correctly ?" He asked me sternly.

"Urusai. Of course I'm sure that I slept correctly." I grumbled.

We kept walking in silence but were surprised to see almost eberyone in the E Class at the gate of the main campus. The only one missing was Karma.

"Hmmm... What are you all doing here ?" I asked with my head tilted to the side.

"Terasaka has something to tell you." Answered Kataoka as she pushed Terasaka.

Assassin name : Childish Devil (Karma x OC)Where stories live. Discover now