
Where were you? What happened?

READ 7:05

I looked up from my phone as Bella was sitting at the edge of Colton's bed. Colton called her earlier and explained about me crying in front of his house. She came over with my clothes from yesterday and comfort me along with him.

I rubbed my eyes after slipping on my old clothes. Taking a deep breath, I walked towards Colton and wrapped my arms around his waist. I can feel him releasing a pleasant sigh before holding me.

"I'll see you at school in a bit, okay?" Colton mumbles under his breath.

I nodded and looked up at him, flashing him a fake smile. After, I held Bella's hand as we both walked out of Colton's house. My eyes widened as I remembered about Landon's car that was parked in front of his lawn. It wasn't there.

Instead of telling Bella, I kept the problem to myself maybe confront Landon about it later. I took a deep breath and sat in Bella's car.

"What happened yesterday?" she asks me, looking at me with her big brown eyes before pulling out of Colton's garage.

"So much," I mumbled under my breath.

Bella smiles softly as me, sending me a reassuring smile. The rest of the ride was quiet, I had my head laid back on the headrest with my eyes closed.

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"So I'm just going to sit here a pretend that my little sister was alright?" Austin growls as he leans against my bedroom door.

I've already changed clothes for school, getting ready to move on to the next day.

"I can tell you've been crying," Austin whispers as he closes my bedroom door, walking towards me, "Tell me, what happened Aubrey."

I hissed in annoyance, making my way towards my closet to grab a pair of sneakers.

I could feel Austin shaking his head behind my back.

"Just be glad I'm home," I slightly screamed. Feeling the rush of guilt down my back, I turned towards Austin and looked at him with a frown, "Please."

Austin sighs in defeat as he unravels his arms across his chest. He mutters 'fine' underneath his breath before giving me a slight hug, "I'll wait for you in the car." Then he left my bedroom.

Swinging my side bag on my shoulder, I clipped my hair to the side and looked in the mirror. I stared at the lifeless body that was reflected. Shaking my head at myself, I quickly left my bedroom, closing the door after me.

Austin was already in his car with the engine on. I welcomed myself into the passenger seat as he drives me to school in silence. Austin, obviously sensing that something was wrong didn't bother to ask me anymore questions.

Instead, he let me be. He played radio music in the background to keep himself distracted, as well as I.

It didn't take us long for us to arrive at school.

"Thanks," I blankly said as I opened the door.

Austin watches me with worried eyes, catching my attention before I closed the door, "Call me if you need anything, I'm worried," he says.

I nodded in response and sent him a small smile, before shutting the car door. He races out of the parking lot as I started walking to school, rubbing my palms against my thighs.

"You should really stop doing that," I heard Isaiah scolding me from behind.

I turned my attention towards him before quickly looking away, he reminded me too much of Landon. Even though Isaiah has showed me nothing but care, I couldn't look at him the same knowing he's part of Landon's circle.

"You always ignore me," Isaiah says, leaving a small laugh as he walks next to me with his hands in his jogger pockets.

I turned the corner, entering our 'oh-so-beautiful' school. I kept my head down, attempting to avoid any contact from other students; not like I was gaining any attention anyways.

Isaiah was still following, casually cracking jokes in effort of breaking my barriers. After a while, he started to realize that I wasn't enjoying his presence.

"Aubrey, what's wrong?" he whispers, tugging on my elbow before fully turning me around to face him.

"Nothing, leave me alone," I scoffed, twisting my arm away from him as I continued to walk towards the hallway.

"What did I do?" he slightly screams, grabbing my arm again with power.

Furrowing my eyebrows together, I looked at Isaiah; pointing directly at chest as if I was able to shove his body with the strength of my finger. My feelings clogged up to the point where I had no idea what I was doing; or who I was hurting. I was just angry, broken, and utterly sad.

"I gave him a chance," I hissed underneath my breath, "I knew I shouldn't have listened to you."

Isaiah stumbles back with surprise, staring at me in the eyes. His body softens at my defensiveness.

"What did he do to you?" he asks softly, holding me by my arms. His expression started to show some curiosity; but more anger.

"Why don't you ask him?" I growled, prying his hands off of my arms. I clenched my fist as I stomped off.

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