

“I said…” Harvey closes his eyes, fighting the urge and temptation.

“Are you okay?”

Harvey’s eyes snaps open as he heard Lydia making her way towards him. “Don’t come any closer!” Harvey ordered and Lydia gasps at Harvey’s eyes. Harvey knew instantly that his eyes are now glowing. He hated it the most because he knew that he is loosing control and the instinct to hunt is very strong. “I’m sorry.”

Harvey manages to say before he lost control.

Lydia couldn’t understand what was happening. The sensation running through her was unexplainable. Her mind was in ecstasy that it was harder for her to think straight.

All her mind could wrap around was, one moment she was talking to Harvey and heard him apologise, the next thing she knew there was a pain on her back followed by a sharp pain on her neck. Everything after that had become a blur.

She let out a moan as she felt the pleasure hit her harder. She felt warm, her breath coming short and fast. She didn’t understand where the pleasure is but she didn’t want it to stop. She smiled as she felt a warm tingling sensation stroking her left thigh.

“More…” She managed to say between a groan as the sensation stops on her belly. “Don’t…don’t stop…please.” She begged. Her own voice sounds unfamiliar and unrecognisable to her own ears.

What’s happening? She asked herself but soon, the question was forgotten as dig her fingers against something soft but hard as her body shivers with pleasure.

Soon enough, she lost conscious.

It’s too bright! Lydia whined mentally as she shut her eyes tightly close. Her whole body ache and she felt like she was having a very bad hangover. “Where am I?” She asked after she squint her eyes as she looked around.

Lydia found herself in her bedroom, the curtains widely opened and flattering around along with the soft breeze from her opened window. She ranked her mind, trying her best to remember what happened the night before.

She remember talking to Blaine about her decision, she remember talking to Harvey and then nothing. The last memory she have was when Harvey ordered her to leave his office. However, she couldn’t phantom where her hangover came from as she remembers clearly that she never touched any alcohol.

A note on her nightstand made her frown.

‘You don’t need to come in today. Take this as your day off. Rest, you’ll need it.


Lydia couldn’t understand why Harvey – a workaholic – is giving her a day off. But the pain in her head made her sigh in relief at the thought of a day off but she knew that she doesn’t have time to lazy around.

Lydia has a list that she needs to do. It was the list she made when she was waiting for Blaine to arrive. Groaning, Lydia drags herself off her bed and to her bathroom. Taking the longest shower she ever had, she steps out leaning on the wall. Her head throbbing with pain.

Gently tapping her towel on her face, she put her weight against the counter as she looked at her reflection on the mirror. She frowned at her neck, there was no mark but she had managed to notice a sharp pain whenever she moves her arm.

Ignoring the pain on her neck, she quickly got dress and had some brunch. She help herself with a cup of coffee and painkillers before making her way back to her room where she turns her laptop on and grab her phone.

“Good morning, I would like to enquire about the house on…”

The rest of her morning started with the same line as she phoned every house agency on her list. She tried her best to sound cheery. She booked dates when she wants to see the house.

“Thank you. Bye.”

Lydia slumped back on her chair, her head feeling lighter and less painful. This is it. It’s really happening now. She thought as grabs a hold of the fabric of her clothes as her chest tightens. A single tear manages to escapes her eyes. Roughly, she wipes the tear away with a glare.

“He’s not worth wasting your tears for him Lydia!” She scolds herself, pushing the pain back.

Lydia spent the rest of her afternoon by practicing for her interview until it was flawless, she even redone her portfolio until she’s satisfied and she took hours choosing the clothes she’ll wear on the day of the interview.

However, whatever she do and all her efforts to try and forget about Harvey all of it was in vain. Most of the time, she find herself wondering what Harvey was up to and when he finally arrived back home, she struggles to focus on anything else.

A soft knock on her door made her jump, clearing her throat she opened the door and saw Harvey studying her face. “Here.” Harvey lifts a box to Lydia’s eye-level. She eyed the flowery decorated box with hunger.

“What’s this for?” Lydia asked as she took the box of sliced cakes from Harvey.

“I thought you might need it.” Harvey said, looking away from Lydia. “Enjoy.” He said before leaving. “Try not to gain more weight.” He teased before leaving.

“I’m not fat!” She yelled at him. Her heart race as she heard him laugh.

She closes the door behind her and flustered. She can hear her heart racing as she looked down at the box on her hands. “This is not good.” She mumbles under her breath as she realise she’s falling for him all over again.


Sorry for not updating for so long!

I have an exam until the second week of June. There’s at least once or twice a week and even though I got half term at the end of the month, I got an exam the Monday after that and Tuesday. Both I find very hard.

I hope you like this chapter though. I can’t say when I’m updating again that’s why I didn’t end it with a cliff-hanger. :}

Nessa xx

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