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Me: Well, I'm back to work! Let's hope this will be good, I'm just going to go off random ideas.

Buggs: At let's you're back on, De. *all the kids hug me*

Nugget: And Nugget would like to thank the readers for being very patient with De!


Y/N's P.O.V

Those few hours before graduation, I remember them. The butterflies in my stomach, the sweaty hands, the fear of messing up. Those few words were currently Nugget and the girls. Recently, the whole class was nervous, and Haylee was for some reason climbing onto Kelsey's shoulders wearing glasses.

I was at my desk, looking at the song lyrics. The kids were outside playing, luckily all of them were playing right where I could see them. Or at least, I hope so.

Kid's P.O.V

I was just laying in the grass, cloud gazing. Billy was next to me. It was great to talk with Billy again, I really missed me and him getting in trouble. "Hey, Kid, remember that Pirates of the Caribbean thing we were gonna do?" Billy asked me.

"Yeah?" I replied, trying to look at him now. "Me and Lily were thinking, maybe we can do something else." he said. I rolled over, "Billy, we already remembered our lines though!" I said.

Billy looked at me with regret, "Kid, please don't yell. Let me explain. Me and Lily were think of doing something easier, like us singing about what happened to us before Ms. (Y/N) came." Billy said to me.

(I starting to get tired of the "So we're married!?" comments. If I see another one, it will be deleted, and, no, you're not.)

I softened my eyes at him, he did look a bit scared. "Sure, Billy." I said, a smile on my face. "So what should we do?" I asked him.

"Well, Lily wrote down some lyrics for us to sing. She already talked to Haylee and Kelsey, they said they could play as Mrs. Applegate. I can play as the Janitor, anyways, we are in show and tell, you play with a yo-yo." Billy went on and on with the idea.

I liked the sound of all of it, "Sounds great!" I said. Billy smiled scratched the back of his head. "T-thanks, Kid, for everything." he said.

I smiled at him and pulled him into a hug, "You're welcome." I said, Billy hugged back. Across the playground I could hear Buggs yell something.

"Get a room!!"

I let go, "I'm not gay like you, Buggs!" I yelled back. "I'm not gay, I like girls!" Buggs yelled back. "Lies!"

How we know these words you may ask? Sixth grade hall monitors is your answer.

Soon me and Buggs started to laugh, "Sorry, Kid, I couldn't help it, had to ruin the moment." Buggs said, smiling. I smiled and rolled my eyes, "It's okay, Big B, I know you were playing." I told him.

Sure it seems like me and Buggs don't get along at times, but really we're like brothers. I looked back at Billy, he was back to looking up at the clouds. I shrugged my shoulders and joined him.

♡♡Time Skip by: Graduation♡♡

Y/N's P.O.V

I was in the car, ready to drive to the school for the graduation. Nugget had the costumes, Haylee and Kelsey brought a bag, but I'm not sure what's in it. I started the engine and put it in drive, Nugget and the girls looked nervous.

I looked in the rear view mirror, "You three nervous?" I asked them. Nugget nodded, "Yep." he answered.

The ride there was slightly quiet, the kids humming some different tone it seemed. I looked into the mirror again. "What are you guys humming back there?" I asked, seeing Kelsey quickly hide something.

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