MTMTE! Fortress Maximus x Cybertronian! Femme! Reader.

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It's going to be ok.

"(Y/N)!!! Help me!"

"Save us!"

"NO, please don't leave!"

Fire, blood, pain and sorrow. That's all that was happening. I could hear the screams of pain, but not once did I turn nor look back at the blood covered battlefield. Tears streamed down my faceplate in rivers. I didn't bother wiping them off, because I know that all I'll do today was cry. I have received orders to retreat immediately and flee. Of course, me being me, I had asked if I was to help the wounded soldiers. The answer they had given me shocked me and had made me almost have a spark attack.

"You are to leave the wounded and retreat without hesitation. This is an order from Sentinel Prime, if not followed you will be executed."

Right now I am walking away towards the ship that they had told me to board, leaving the ones I have called my comrades, friends and family behind. Their screams were deafening. It was the only thing that reached my audio receptors. Not the gunfire. Not the bombs. Only their pleas for me to help them. To save them. They had trusted me... and I had failed them, leaving them as bait for death to come and consume them.


I jolt awake. My audio receptors ringing and my frame shaking. These night-terrors have stuck with me ever since that day, but they have been getting worse. I turn my gaze over to a calendar I have put up on my wall, only to see that today 5 years ago I had abandoned my team.

Time skip to end of the day (night-time)

'Today was scrap.'

I had gotten up and went to my private wash rack to get ready for the day. When I looked at the mirror against the wall... I wasn't surprised. I looked like someone who woke up from the dead who was going to haunt you for life if you didn't say sorry that you took my high-grade.

So, because of that, I had stayed in my hab suite for 2 hours (don't know the cybertronian time scale) to at least look like a living person. After that I had went to my office to work and guess what? A whole fragging scrapheap of work was to be done within 6 hours. I thankfully finished just before Ultra Magnus came to collect the work.

No one had tried to talk to me today, which I was thankful for, because I just want to be alone so I could clear my mind and not be reminded of what I had done 5 years ago. Just as I was about to leave the office, Whirl had managed to snatch me and took, no wait, dragged me towards Swerve's bar.

Everyone was having a blast, except for me of course. Every time someone has tried to talk to me I would stay quiet and they'd get the idea to leave me alone. Everyone except Fortress Maximus. After I hadn't answered him he asked again and again and again. Look, I do love the guy, but it was starting to irritate me so I got up and left to my hab suite. Which brings us to now.

I plopped down onto my berth after I managed to avoid people and escape from that bar. Silence had filled my room and my mind started to drift back to the day. The day I left my family for scrap.

It isn't long before tears start to cloud my vision and painful sobs escape my intake, making the silence that was once there disappear. Unbeknownst to me there was knocking on my door. I didn't hear the knocking but rather the sorrowful screams of my deceased comrades.

'I left them. I abandoned them. I left them for dead.' These are the only thoughts that are going through my processor.

I feel arms wrap around me in a safe and comforting embrace. I look up to meet crystal blue optics and the most handsome faceplate ever. Fortress Maximus...

"It's going to be ok." He said.

I suddenly launch myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck cables and letting everything out. Everything that I've bottled up for 5 years...

After a while, I calm down and pull away from his embrace to instantly miss his warmth. "You want to talk about it? It's alright if you don't want to." He says in a soft yet deep voice. I told him everything, from what happened to what I had felt.

There's a long silence. We are locked onto each other's optics and find ourselves slowly leaning in. Our dermas' finally meet and our optics close. Waves upon waves of electricity flows through my frame.

After a few minutes of kissing, we pull away. He wraps his arms around my waist and lies us down on the berth.

"You don't have to worry anymore, because no matter what I'll always be there for you and everything's going to be ok. I love you (Y/N). Always and forever, until our sparks burn out."

"Thank you. I love you too 'Max. No matter what, no matter where, I will always be there for you until death separates us."

He groans a little at the nickname I gave him, but I just giggle and smile.

'He's right. Everything is going to be ok.'

With that in mind, my new sparkmate and I drift into a peaceful recharge.


How was it? I hope I did alright. I'm also sorry if he's ooc, I'm still busy reading the comics.

Next up is Knockout x Reader then Optimus x Reader.

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