15| know your type

Start from the beginning

"Now I don't feel so bad about my date story," I open the front door and notice the TV abruptly turn off. "Dad I'm home."

Rhys steps inside after wiping his shoes on the mat outside. I close the door with my foot while hanging my bag on the end of the staircase per usual. Shrugging out of my jacket I manage to kick my converse off in the direction of the shoe rack as dad appears in the door frame.

"You must be Rhys," He states, eyes reaping over his figure in judgement. "You can call me Mr Collins or Sir."

I try not to roll my eyes, instead cross my arms over and walk closer to Rhys in an attempt to ease the scrutinizing. Sure enough dad's eyes meet mine before he pushes off and walks closer. I can see Rhys visibly tense up when he reaches out and claps him on the shoulder.

"Thank you for protecting my daughter. I wish I had known sooner," Rhys nods and dad continues, glancing at me. "I've talked to Mr Farnell and we're still attending because it's mandatory. But Rhys, you're welcome to attend as Kira's guest."

"By guest you mean body guard," I raise an eyebrow at his selective words. Turning my attention to Rhys I cluck my tongue. "You don't need to come."

He glances to me with a soft smile. "I'll see what I'm doing. It just depends on Nate," My father's still checking him out to assess whether he's a threat or not. "That's my younger brother. I don't want to leave him alone for the night."

"How old is your brother?" Dad questions.

"Fifteen turning sixteen," I notice my fathers lip twitch, clearly he was thinking that Nate was younger. "He can't cook and is kind of accident prone."

"Well make yourself comfortable. Do you want something to drink? Coke? Coffee? Water?"

Rhys glances to me and I subtle hold up one finger. "Coke will do if it's not a hassal Mr Collins."


"Make it two cokes," He moves towards the kitchen and I nudge Rhys before heading to the living room. I flop down and pick up a cushion to rest in my lap as Rhys sits down. "You feeling okay?"

"Of course I am," He smirks and readjusts in the lounge. "I just hope he likes me. Although that could change depending on what Blair and Taylor say about me."

I run my tongue over my teeth. "Well I suggest being honest as you can therefore you won't have anything to worry about."

"There's some things I don't like to talk about," He rubs his hands together and I nod slowly. "I'm sure you're the same with a few things."

"Everyone has secrets but mine revolve around me in a negative way."

He nods slowly. "Well how about this. Each week we tell one another a secret. It stays between us though."

"I'd like that."

Rhys smiles and my dad comes in handing us each a can of coke. He looks between us before sighing. "I have to ask. Are you or have you ever had a relationship with Kira that's exceeded more than friends?"

"No sir," He replies naturally while I almost drop my can at his blunt question. "We've never dated."

His eyes flicker between us and he sighs. "If it does ever exceed more than friends I'd like to know. Kira has a habit of bottling things-"

"Okay. Thank you for the drink," I cut him off while widening my eyes. "Don't you have work to do?"

"I'm just laying the ground rules now. She's my daughter and the only family that I have left in my life so in the nicest way possible I won't tolerate her being stuffed around," His fatherly instincts come out and I almost sink into the depths of hell. "Especially when I know your type - the rebellious, troublemakers who don't-"

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