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Time Jump | 2 Months Later

"Noah, can you please go get your little sister from destroying the house?"

I said as I watched Vivi crawl around the house.

"And you need a bottle."

I said as I looked down at Mason in my arms. Thank god I got my little boy back. The only think missing from this family was Fergal.

I haven't heard from him since the fight. Turns out he's dating his little NXT bimbo. I think her name is Mandy or something but I honestly couldn't care less.

"You look adorable when you carry her."

I smiled as Noah carried Vivi on his hip. He laughed as he put her in her high chair.

"Do you need any help Mom?"

Noah asked.

"Nope. You're so helpful. Thank you."

I said as I hugged him.

"No problem."

He said before he walked to his room.

"If only we had help from your guys' father. Then I wouldn't feel like such a single Mom."

I said as I sat down and fed Mason. Then my phone rang.


I said to Sasha as I propped my phone up.

"Hey. What's up?"

She asked.

"Nothing. Just another day of the single Mom life. Two babies, two teenagers, and three under ten. Very fun."

I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Sounds exciting. Have you heard from Fergal?"

Sasha asked.

"No. But did you see him posting with that Mandy chick? He totally just forgot about us."

I said with a sigh.

"I'm sorry, Pam."

"It's fine I guess. We've been holding up for the last two months, we can hold up for longer."

I said.

"Are you gonna get back out on the dating scene?"

Sasha asked.

"Maybe. If Fergal can date, why can't I?"

"True. He totally just abandoned you and your kids."

"I know. I'm gonna go put Noah and Vivi down for naps."

I said.

"Okay. Talk to you later."

Sasha said as she hung up. Maybe she had a point. Maybe I should get back on the dating scene. Couldn't hurt, right?

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