Cats Bow-wow

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Waking up the next morning was like a dream. I stretched out in the massive bed, feeling as if I was sleeping on a cloud and I knew for a fact that I wasn't dreaming.

"I thought I was dreaming, but I'm not," I smiled at Hobi who was happily curled up next to me.

All the money and riches put into the every day life, the people who would do anything for me, a man who I was smitten for, all within one day.

When there was a light knock on my door, Hobi sat up suddenly and barked. I gasped and jumped up, fetching my wig and roughly placing it on my head before diving back into the heaven known as Seohees bed - it even smelt unfarmiliarly like roses.

"Shh! Hobi, we've gotta, you know, act like we live here! We can't give ourselves away. Be a Princess~ Be a Princess~ Come in!" I sing songed and the door opened, revealing a maid carrying a tray of food.

"Did I hear a dog, Your Majesty? Should I call the Royal Dogcatcher?" She asked, walking over to me and I patted Hobis head to keep him quiet and happy.

"Ah, no, no. Dog? Everything is fine." I smiled happily. The maid nodded before laying a silver tray on my lap and my eyes widened.

"Your breakfast, Your Highness." She bowed and took a step away from the edge of the bed.

"Really?" I gawked. "In bed?"

"As always." The maid frowned and my heart jumped in embarrassment and fear.

"Oh yes. Of course. Thank you," I played it off before gasping at the tray. "Look at all this food! Want some?" I gestured to the food and the maids eyes widened.

There was toast and jams and fruits I had never seen before, warm porrige that was still steaming with sugar and honey sprinkled on top and a large glass of orange juice that made my mouth water just by looking at it.

"Oh I-I couldn't, Your Highness!" She stuttered and I laughed lightly.

"But there's enough to feed an army! Come on, take some!" I placed some sweet fruits in her hands and her face flushed wgile she watched me smile with my mouth already filled with what I thought was strawberries.

"I, uh, thank you, um, m'lady. I'll draw your bath. Would you like bubbles, mineral salts, or lavender oil?" She bowed and my eyes lit up. A bath!

"Everything!" I hollered happily.

After a short few minutes I had eaten, Hobi had eaten and I was sitting in the bath, Hobi sitting on the edge watching me smile in contempt at the warm water.

A real life actual warm bath with soap???

Sighing, I decided I may never come out.

"Mehh-" I jumped in fright at the noise that Hobi made and I frowned.

"What's wrong, Hobi? Are you sick? Something in your throat?" I sat forwards.

"Mehh-" he made the noise again and seemed to frown.

"Wait a minute-" I gasped. "Are you trying to meow?"

He mewd lightly before he barked, a deep and powerful little 'boof'.

"Aw Fella," I giggled, ruffling his head. "Did her comment upset you? You can't hide your sadness from me hobi. You're not a normal cat so why try to be one? I wish you could see that, baby."

He tried to meow again.

"I say, if you bark, celebrate it. Noahs ark shoulda had a cat like you!" I giggled loudly. "You shouldn't change you, only your point of view."

He tried to meow again.

"You don't need to be a normal cat Hobi boy, When you pant and when you chase your tail you're all the more enchanting!" He purred as he pushed his head into my hand and I hummed. "Do you need me to sing to you Romeo?"

"Hey, feline. You fetch just fine you. To thine ownself be true. Your bow wow's the cat's meow. It's how I know you're you. There is not one hair of you that I would rearrange. I love you the way you are and that will never change."

I giggled when I finished my small improvised song about my cat and his tongue flopped out of his mouth as he barked happily.

"That's my boy!" I smiled as I climbed out of the bath and wrapped myself in a fluffy bath robe. It was so soft it almost immediatley soaked all the wayer off my body.

I was startled when there was a light knock at the door.

"Princess?" Domonik.

My face flushed and my eyes widened as I manouvered a towel to hide my dark hair before calming down and pulling the door open, revealing Domoniks bright red face, his eyes never leaving mine while, at the same time, he looked like he wished he could avoid looking at me.


"Uh-" He seemed to swallow. "The king has arrived."

My face fell.

"Oh," I paused and glanced up at him. He was now avoiding my gaze. "Thank you, Domonik."

"You're welcome, Princess." He bowed his head solemnly.

Just as he was about to leave, he stopped me from closing the door on him, his dimmed eyes meeting mine for a brief moment before his face flushed again.

"You have a very beautiful voice, your majesty." He smiled shyly. He was so tall and broad yet in this moment he seemed like a shy child.

Even though many people over multiple years had heard me sing, having Domonik tell me I had a beautiful voice made my knees week. Made me want to scream and shout with joy and dance and sing forever.

Get a hold of yourself Ahra.

"Please - call me Ah-" I paused. "Seohee."

Luckily he didn't notice my stutter or mistake and smiled brightly, his smile lighting up his eyes.

"Alright," He smiled. "Seohee."

It didn't feel right to hear the princess's name fall from his rosy lips but I forced a smile on my face and let him bow at me and walk away, leaving me to prepare to pretend to be the princess meeting her future husband.

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