The End?

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Mickey's POV

I got no sleep last night, and that sucks because honestly, sleep is the highlight of my day. Sleep is like a break from the world and I need it. I need it to escape all these thoughts racing around my brain. With my graduating, there's been a lot of talk about this future thing--a lot of thinking. I know I'm going to Duke University in the fall and will be doing football, but other than that, I have no idea what classes I want to take or what career I want to fall back on. All in all, I really need to get my shit together.

On top of this, Kai's leaving today. If you had of told me this when she first started out as our babysitter, I would have looked at you and asked "so?" But somehow, over the course of a couple months, Kai has managed to reshape my whole opinion and feelings toward her to something I can't even understand completely. She's leaving and it bothers me. It pisses me off.

I know I like her. Recognizing that isn't the problem anymore. The problem is letting her know. I was prepared to do it two weeks ago, at prom but as usual I effed shit up when I just kissed her, expecting her to just roll with it. I should have known it would seem like I was toying with her emotions because I just rejected her prom invitation, but I did it anyway. Do I regret the kiss? Eh, sort of. I regret kissing her at that time, but I don't regret kissing her. Not at all. 

But she blew up at me and when I tried to explain she was already walking away. Yet, the next day I was determined. I was going to tell her. She was babysitting, so I made sure to get home just in time to catch her right after she had tucked in Elena. I came in prepared. I thought all about how I was going to phrase everything while I was working out in the gym that night. As soon as I saw her scrunched on the couch watching High School Musical, I got straight to the point: we needed to talk. 

Apparently she did too. I knew it was probably important but I had no idea she was leaving. So when she told me, to say I was shocked is understatement. I was shocked and livid, not so much at her--although it did and still does feel like she is leaving me--but at myself. I wasted all this time playing games and now my opportunity, my one chance to get the girl I actually like is ruined--gone for good.

So on this Saturday morning, I sit on the couch, my head against its back, looking up at the ceiling and contemplating about my lost chance--my lost chance with one of the best girl I've seen and that includes Jennifer Lawrence.

And everyone knows how much I want Jennifer Lawrence. 

Kai is just different--special in every way. She's become a part of my daily life and now I'm going to have to get used to not having her around. 

The pitter patter of running feet gets my attention before I hear Elena yell. "I think that's Kai. She's outside," Elena calls running down the stairs. I see her fly past the living room and out the door. Allegra walks past a few seconds later, briefly glancing at me before heading outside as well. 

I lean my head back up to look at the ceiling. I've been dreading this moment all week. I hear the casual footsteps of my parents as they head toward the door. The resonating steps stop by the living entrance. I look up to see my mom looking at me through curious, questioning eyes.

"Are you going outside to wish Kai goodbye?"

I nod my head slowly and my parents take that as their cue to exit and go outside. With a groan, I push myself off the couch and go out to join the rest of my family.

Kai stands by Miranda's black Audi, smiling sadly at whatever my mom and dad are saying. Allegra and Elena cling to Kai's side unable to let her go. As I walk toward them, I can see the tears building in Elena's eyes as she digs her face into Kai's black high waisted shorts. Kai's leaving is going to be hard on my sisters; it's like they're losing their sister. And they are. Kai has become so close to Elena and Allegra that she might as well be a member of this family.

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