Chapter thirty- one

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Chapter 31:

 Niall's pov:

I don't know what the hell just happened, but I don't like it. She'll probably never tell me what caused her to get sick, but I wish I knew.

Liam's pov:

I have a feeling Jessica had an anxiety attack, but I'm not for sure. I look aorund the plane and notice all of us boys worried, except Zayn. Zayn is simply listening to music and trying to fall asleep. I don't know if he knows why she got sick, or if he just doesn't care. But it does'nt sound like him to just not care.

I look at Harry, whom is on his laptop. I slowly make my way to his seat.

"What are you doing?" I aks him.

"I'm looking up some stuff; trying to figure out what may have caused Jessica to get sick," Harry says. As we scroll thorugh the things that could have caused her sickness, we both pause in stillness as we read one reason.

'Infected cuts'

Harry looks at me, terrified. 

"Is that what the blood stains on her hips are?" he asks me. And I know that's a huge possibility but she would've told me, wouldn't she?

"It may be... lets hope not though," I tell him. He immediately shuts his laptop and puts ear phones in to block everyone else out. I carefully make my way to my seat, and doze off to a deep sleep.

Jessica's pov:

What the hell have I done? Not only did I damage my body but now I've worried the boys, and myself.

Why did I get sick? And why was it bloody? That's not how my anxiety attacks work... I get sick yeah, but it's never blood. Gosh, that's nasty.

I look around the plane and find everyone alseep. I feel really bad and I'm so curious as to what caused the blood... Did I do something wrong to the inside of my body? 

I get on my laptop and look up all the reasons that may have caused it. But there's only one that triggers in my mind.

'Infected cuts'

My cuts. They are deep yeah, but I diidn't think it would get infected. I cleaned it as much as I could in a matter of 5 seconds. The thought of my cuts being infected sickens me again and I quickly put my earphones in, forgetting everything that just happened.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once the flight lands~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We all pile off the plane, heading to get our luggage. My hips feel horribly swollen and are stinging insanely. I grab my luggage and follow Harry to the van. We all pile in. I hope and pray that it isn't silent like the plane ride. And apparently, my prayers are quickly answered.

"NANDO'S!!! WE GET TO GO TO NANDO'S!!!!" Niall screams, jumping aroud next to me. Harry starts bouncing up and down, making me go into a fit of laughter. Soon everyone the car is bouncing up and down except Louis, whom is driving and singing to the radio very loudly.

"Come Lou, turn up the radio!" Harry yells. Soon the radio is all the way up and we're all singing and dancing. Except Zayn.

He's in the last row of seats behind us, sitting quietly and not moving. He's still listening to the music on his phone, but I have a feeling it isn't happy music. I'll talk to him once we get to the house.


We pull into the driveway and my mouth falls in awe at the sight infront of me. This house is insanely huge! Most the walls are glass and it's so gorgeous! We get our luggage out of the car and head inside. I am soon running around the house screaming,"OH MY GOOD LORD THIS IS SO BIIIGGG!!!!!" All the boys follow me, laughing at my amusement.

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