That hug

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As I was looking at the photos of yesterday's event, I couldn't help but stare at a particular photo of him. I found myself looking at Kimmon's photo for a very long time with a faint smile on my lips. Without even realizing I was exploring his body with my eyes. He's a very tall guy with longs legs; he's slim and not particularly muscular but his shoulders are quite wide. His body has really amazing proportions. He's able to make any outfit he wears as if it was made just for him. His jawline is as sharp as a knife and his profile is amazing. His face has Korean and Greek-like traits that suit his face. I can't imagine him with a different nose or different lips. Kimmon usually has his hair styled down because it's more comfortable to have it that way, but when he styles his hair up or parted, he's really breathtaking. I know that there are guys who are more handsome than him, like Godt who is really perfect and has a lot of girls around him (just like Dr Phana...he's really like him). However, Kimmon to me is a real God. When he pulls that stare, he becomes terribly gorgeous. I can't take my eyes off of him. It's as if he shines of his own light and he's majestic. When he comes to me looking like that, I feel like my heart stops and I have to remember myself how to breathe. Just like that, I start thinking how an Adonis like him ended up liking someone like me who is his exact opposite. Once I asked him that question and I still remember the conversation as if it happened yesterday.

C: Why do you like me?

K: Because you are just you.

C: But you literally can have all the girls you want. I don't understand why.

K: I don't care about them, I care just about you. It's not them who I think as I open my eyes in the morning or when I go to sleep; it's not them who make my heart flutter; it's not them who make me smile with their smile; it's not them who make me feel complete; it's not them who I want to have with me for the rest of my life, it's you.

He left me speechless. I couldn't reply to a single thing he said. My legs were numb and my heart was racing like never before. At that moment I thought I was dreaming, but I knew everything was real when he hugged me: my head was on his chest, his arms around my neck, his face in my hair and then he whispered "Stop asking why it's you. There isn't a proper answer but my heart knows what it wants. I want you and nobody else." I closed my eyes and hugged him tightly. I could feel the tears running down my face. I was very happy that I met him and that I fell in love with him. For the first time in my life, I knew what is like to love someone with all your might and be requited. As I was hugging him, I said to him "I'm worried I might get used to this feeling." He loosened his arms enough to look directly into my eyes and said "Don't worry, just get used to it and to us. I will stay by your side until you want me to. I won't go anywhere."

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