A sniffling noise sounded as Goten started crying into her the side of her cheongsam. Chi Chi picked him up and wrapped his arms around him comfortingly. She rested her chin on top of his head, allowing him to freely sob into the front of her dress. "What's wrong, sweetie?"

A muffled sob. "I... I love y-you, mommy."

Chi Chi was pleasantly surprised. She felt a warmth that she hadn't felt in a long time as her child's words sank into her brain. Love. Chi Chi kissed the top of Goten's forehead. "I love you too, my brave little boy. Now tell me what's wrong. Mommy will make it all better."

"Please don't leave me, mommy."

Chi Chi smiled, her eyes starting to water. When was the last time he called me mommy? "Oh, Goten. I'll never leave you. Even when we're apart, we'll always find a way back to each other, okay?"

Goten mumbled something before looking up at Chi Chi's face with tearful eyes. "Okay. You promise?" He held out his smallest finger expectantly.

Chi Chi looped her own pinky finger around her son's. "I promise, Goten. Now, I'll reiterate. What's wrong?"

"I thought you were g-gone," Goten said, choking on a rising sob. "I don't want you to go."

Chi Chi hugged him even tighter, a hug that Goten gladly reciprocated. For what felt like an eternity they stayed like that - a mother comforting a son in a time of need. "Shh... hush, Goten." She began to rock him in her arms. "Hush. Mommy's here. Mommy will always be here." Twin trails of wetness ran down her face. "I promise."


"I don't know," Kale said, stepping out of the dressing room in that lovely red dress of hers. "I still think the plunge is too low..."

"We have to strike while the iron is hot!" declared Bulma, expertly walking in her high heels. She was hardly sweating even after dashing back and forth from her lab and the dressing room. "And boy, Kale, are you hot! If I were a guy and unmarried I think I would be buying you drinks right now."

Kale moved in a clunky fashion - she was not at all used to walking around in stilettos. "Can I at least go barefoot?" She rubbed her arm nervously. "I mean, if that's okay... I don't want to be a burden."

Bulma, clad in a purple dress that reached the top of her knees, turned around. "No way! Come on, Kale. Every girl needs to learn how to walk on heels. Think of it as a rite of passage."

"O-okay," Kale managed to say as Bulma grabbed her arm and dragged her off.

At the other end of the building, Cabba was admiring himself in the mirror. Was this really what he looked like wearing earth clothing? It looked better than he had expected it to look. He wore a white tailored shirt and a pair of tan pants complete with suspenders. It was... classy, in it's own way. Will Kale like it?

Finally, he exited his bedroom and made his way outside, where a bunch of powerful energy signals were gathered.


Tights wiped sweat off her forehead as she exited her car, a bag in her hands containing the surprise she had bought for her little sister and her new baby. She walked in a swaggering gait toward her old home, grinning with excitement. Bulma's not the only genius in this family!

She whistled merrily as she went on her way. I'll have to thank Jaco for helping me make it.


"MMM!" Beerus hummed in delight, his tail twitching in euphoria. "YUMMY!" He popped another six more octopus balls into his mouth, chewing all of them at once. When the gods had heard that a party was in order to celebrate Universe 7's survival, they really couldn't decline.

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