*****Farkle's POV*****
***3 months later***
I sit beside my parents, Chai's parents, Lucas' Mom, and Cass' grandparents on the beach as we watch Cass, Quinn, Auggie, Chai, Lucas and Theo running around in the water with Percy chasing after them. "So when do you plan on proposing?" Mr Matthews questions. "I've started planning a month long trip before Christmas for the two of us and Percy. I called up her boss and set her leave up for her volunteering job at the hospital. I'm thinking that I could ask her when we're halfway through the trip," I explain. "That sounds like a perfect idea, Farkle," Mrs Dawson states. "Thanks Mrs Dawson. Since most things are set in place I need to find the perfect ring for Cass," I sigh. "I'm sure if you ask Chai and Theo for help they'd be happy to help," Dad states. I nod and head over to Cass who is petting Percy lovingly. "Seems like you were having a very interesting conversation with the adults," Cass laughs, looking up at me happily. I wrap an arm around her and place a kiss on her forehead.
***1 month and 15 days later***
I pull my jacket on as Cassiopeia puts Percy on his lead so we can go on our morning walk. I take her hand into mine and we set out on our walk, Percy trying to run off. I kick a patch of snow by the gate as I open it and Cass slips through after Percy charges through when it's wide enough for him. I quickly follow and wave to the housekeeper as she walks up the driveway with her supplies to clean up the house and set up for my engagement plan.
I lead Cass into the cottage after our, longer than usual, morning walk, which took us into town to do some of our Christmas shopping, Percy walking into the warmth happily. "Go get changed and I'll get dinner ready for us," I state, kissing her cheek. She sends me a look and walks upstairs, Percy following her happily. I walk into the kitchen quickly to see Irene pulling a pot off the element. "Mr Farkle, come see what I've done in the living room and dining room for tonight," She states and walks out of the kitchen after placing a cover over the cake. I follow quickly to see yellow and white rose petals scattered neatly to create a path up to a heart of pink and red rose petals near the bay window, candles set up in different places to allow light in the room without electricity. "I've also set up the dining room almost the same," Irene explains, showing my that room too. "It's perfect Irene. Thank you so much for setting this up for me," I state, passing her an envelope. "Your very welcome, Mr Farkle. I was glad to help," She replies with a smile. We head back into the kitchen and she pulls out the remaining parts of dinner from the oven and puts it on two plates.
I place a hand over Cass' eyes and lead her carefully into the living room where Percy lays happily on the couch. I lead her into the heart of rose petals and pull out the ring box, kneeling down in front of her. Percy let's out a bark and Cass opens her eyes. She looks around the room in awe before looking down at me in shock. "Cassiopeia Marie Matthews. Cassie. Cass. I've known since first grade and I knew then that gravity wasn't holding me to this planet anymore. It was my cluster of star. You're everything I could ever want in a girlfriend, but I also think you're everything I could ever look for in a wife. I know we're young but I want to spend my life with you. Will you do me the greatest honor and marry me," I state. Her eyes widen and she quickly pulls me to my feet to hug me tightly. "Yes. I love you," She says quietly in my ear. I rub her back and pull away after a minute long hug. I open the ring box and she kisses my cheek happily as I pull the ring out carefully and put it on her left ring finger.
***15 days later***
I finish wrapping the last presents for our family members as Cass sits on the couch, looking up wedding locations on her laptop as Percy lays across her lap. I place the label onto the top of the last present for Chai and place it under our Christmas tree. The doorbell rings loudly and Percy takes off to find out who's at the door as I stand up. I walk to the front door as Percy barks at the person on the other side and open it to reveal Theo, Chai and Lucas holding bags. "Cass? Come see-" I start to call out to her, but jump as hands are placed on my shoulders. I turn to see Cass smiling happily at our guests. "It's about time you showed up. I was getting tired of waiting for the moment you arrived," She states, moving to hug Theo tightly. "Sorry. I got a last minute phone call from Grandma when I was going to pick up these two," Theo sighs. "It's fine your here now," I state, lifting up Percy and moving him inside. "Grandma and Grandad are picking up Shawn and Eric before they arrive for tomorrow night. Lucas and Chai's families will be here around tomorrow lunchtime," Theo explains. "Awesome," Cass states, pulling out of the hug to hug Chai and Lucas. I place Percy down and shake hands with Theo.
"Sorry we're late. Cory appeared at the house to drop of the kids since he and Topanga have to sort things out for Riley since they found out she was pregnant. They didn't want them to be at home for that," Grandad explains as Auggie runs into Cass' arms for a hug. "Don't worry about it. You're here now. Let's open presents," I state.

Riley Matthews' Invisible Sister
FanfictionFrom the day she was born, 1 hour before Riley, Cassiopeia "Cassie" Marie Matthews has been in the shadows of her younger sister. Farkle and Auggie are the only ones who has noticed her, Auggie since he was a toddler and for that she is thankful for...