
"God, he hasn't woken up yet, what if he... Oh my god, Nicole what if he..." I could faintly hear Laura sobbing while she tried to speak outside of whatever room I was in.
"Laura, he'll be fine, they already stitched him. Thank god he wasn't awake for that. But seriously, he's just recovering."
"I'm just so worried right now! That bastard! How could he hurt Jimin!! I'll fucking kill him after this mission is over."
Nicole chuckled ever so softly to the point where I could barely hear. I could tell it was forced, she was trying to lighten the mood. "Ha, you can't deny that you like him now, can you?"
There was a pause, a brief moment of silence. Then I heard Laura's voice again. "Nicole... I don't know if it's just 'like' now... I think, I..."
I couldn't stop myself. It came to quickly. I sneezed out of no where, at the worst possible time! I couldn't hear the rest of what Laura said. Fuck my mother fucking life.
Laura gasped and barged into the room. "JIMIN!!"
She ran over to me and kneeled down next to the bed I was laying on. Just then I realized this was my room. She cupped my face in her hands for a few moments and looked at me, her eyebrows furrowed and her eyes and nose red. She was shaking. Then, she pulled me into a hug.
"Ah, not so tight, it hurts." I said softly. She loosened her embrace but didn't let go. She breathed deeply, washed with relief. It was a comforting hug, her head on my shoulder, her left arm around my back and her right arm around my other shoulder with her hand in my hair. Someone shut the door, knowing enough to give us some privacy. Despite the pain in my whole body, I manage to wrap my arms around her too.
And we stayed like that, for god knows how long. No talking, just an embrace that seemed to make some of the pain ease away. "What happened?" I asked once she pulled away. She wasn't crying anymore, just sniffling. Just then I noticed how beat up she was. It practically looked like someone painted her purple and red, she had an unbelievable number of bruises and scratches and patches everywhere on her. "What the hell did he do to you?!" I yelled, pushing myself to a sitting position. I instantly regretted it, a surging pain overtook my stomach. I lifted up my shirt and saw that I had a huge patch on me. I laid back down but kept myself propped up with my elbows.
      "I'm fine-"
       "What are you talking about?! You have it worse that I do!! Did he shoot you?" I asked. I reached over and lifted Laura shirt slightly, just enough to see her stomach, and I was right. She had a patch on her side. I clenched my jaw. I couldn't bare to see her like this, she was hurt everywhere. I dropped her shirt and looked her in the eye. "What did he do?" I asked, softly this time.
      She hesitated. "Shot me once on the side, another time on my arm, had me in a choke hold, and beat me with a metal chair."
      "What the fuck?! That bastard!" I was trying to get up but the second I moved my leg I felt like dying.
      "Stop, Jimin! You can't move, you need to recover. I'm fine."
      "No your not! Why are they letting you move around like this? You probably broke something! Holy shit, Laura, how did you..."
      "I fought pretty good too, I shot his arm, and his hand, some of his fingers came off. I hit him really hard in the head with your gun, oh, and I was the first one to hit him with the chair. I threw it at him." She said, sounding proud.
       "Laura, that's great, but look at you..." I whispered. I hated seeing her like this. She didn't deserve to be hurt like this. This is completely our fault, she wouldn't have had to be like this if if weren't for us. She's pretending to be fine, but I know she's not. I can tell by the way her lip is quivering, how her hands are shaking. No one can pretend that being beaten by a solid metal chair doesn't hurt them. She had it worse than me, I wish I could've been there to help her, I wish I could've done more. Who cares if I was hurt, I should've picked up my ass the second he went after her.
       "Laura I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." I whispered, my hand caressed her face softly.
      "No, you came in on the perfect timing! You shot him before he could hit me more-"
     "I should've been there before he could even touch you." I said, raising my voice.
      "Jimin! You can't blame yourself like this! You were hurt, none of this was your fault. I should be sorry, I didn't stop him from shooting you."
      "Damn it Laura, can't you see that you're hurt? You don't have to pretend in front of me. God, this never would've happened if we didn't drag you into this whole thing. Into our lives. We could've perfectly killed William without you, we're so stupid-"
"What the hell are you talking about?! You don't know how thankful I am to be here with you guys!"
"And look at what's become of you because of all this shit! Have you even looked at yourself?! I don't know when this is gonna heal, we can't even get you proper treatment because we don't have access to hospitals, that's the least we should be able to do for you, but we can't. We haven't done anything for you!"
"Yes you have! I hated my life, don't you get that?! I'm so much happier here, why is it so hard for you to believe? Every second I've spent with you is worth this pain! You're worth it, Jimin." She yelled. She sounded angry at me, but she looked sad.
"Stop bullshitting me. I can't believe we're putting you in so much danger and turning you into something that you never wanted to be yet you're still saying all that. We took your life from you-"
"It's like you want to believe that I hate you guys! Is that what you want to hear?!"
"Why are you fucking praising us for putting you through all this shit?!"
"What shit, Jimin!?"
"All of this! Everything!!"
"I don't understand why you're saying all this stuff all of a sudden!"
"Because I'm guilty." I say finally. What I've been trying to avoid. "That one thing that I've taught myself not to feel. That I've honestly never even felt before, not once in my life. But shit, Laura, that's how you're making me feel right now."
She stayed silent, looking at me. "Guilty, hm?" She asked. I just looked back at her. "What, does that mean you regret it? Regret everything? Do you wish you could go back?"
I hesitated, not quite sure how to answer her. She just looked at me with glossy eyes before getting up. "I should've known." She said before turning around to leave. I couldn't let her go like this. I grabbed her wrist and she turned to look at me.
"You're wrong about that part. I regret putting you through pain, but I don't want to go back. I don't regret this... Us..." I didn't avert my gaze, I kept our eyes locked. I moved my grip from her wrist to her hand and I squeezed it reassuringly. "Laura-"
She didn't even let me finish before kissing me. It surprised me, more that she made first move this time, but I closed my eyes and kissed her back passionately. Her lips felt perfect against mine, like they fit together just right. One of her hands was still in mine, while the other went behind my head in my hair again like when she hugged me. She pressed her lips against mine, like she had been wanting this for a while. I know I have.
When it seemed that she was uncomfortable kneeling on the floor, she moved herself on top of me. Our bodies weren't pressed together because that would be really painful on my stomach wound, so she kept herself propped up with her legs, which were spread open over my waist. I wanted her to be a little closer, so I put my free hand on her back and lightly pulled her toward me. Our bodies just barely touched, but not enough to hurt. She removed her hand from mine to put it behind my head near her other one. I placed both of mine above her waist.
She was kind of rough, but I liked it. She was quick to add tongue to the kiss. She took sharps breaths through her nose and held me tight. I wanted to switch positions with her but I knew if I moved too much I would ruin it. I liked being dominant, but she stole my role, and she played it well. I felt like she had complete control over me.
      After a little while she pulled away to breathe, but her eyes were still closed and her face was still right in front mine. I took the chance to slowly move the kiss down her jawline. I waited to see if she flinched or something, or told me to stop, but she didn't seem to mind. I cautiously moved my lips down to her neck. I moved her hair out of the way and sucked on her skin, my teeth grazing over every now and then.
      I moved my lips a little lower, reaching her collarbone and shoulders. I received a faint moan from her, which really turned me on. But I knew this was the farthest I was going to get for now, damn these wounds. I wanted her so bad right now, I wanted her to be mine.
      I moved my hands up her waist a bit, careful to avoid her wound. I wanted to touch her more, but I knew she was hurt right now and if I went under her shirt my hands would irritate her cuts and bruises. So many limits right now, but this is the farthest I've gotten with Laura yet.
      My hands felt up her back and waist teasingly. I felt her slightly smiling against my lips. I moved them a little lower, getting as far as the top of her more inner thighs, causing Laura to take in a small, sharp breath, probably a bit startled. I liked her reaction, but knew I needed to stop myself before I got too desperate. Not today.
      I moved my hands up to her hair and hers moved to my chest, her nails slightly pushing into my skin as I lightly nibbled her neck, her ear...
      After one last long, passionate kiss, we both slowly separated our lips. She rested her forehead on mine for a moment, our noses touching, eyes closed. I smiled, not smirked, just smiled.
      "It's late." She said, the first word spoken in a while. "I should go. You need to rest." She began to get up, but I grabbed her wrist.
      "Can you stay? Just tonight?" I asked quietly.
      "Just tonight? That's disappointing." She said playfully.
      I smiled wider. "You know I was just saying that to sound innocent."
      "Didn't believe it for a second."
      "Can you then? Stay, I mean."
      "Hm, should I? Will you try to feel me up again like you did just now?"
      "You liked that." I said mischievously. "Besides, you could just consider it payback for raping me, don't forget 17 seconds-"
      "Alright fine, I'll stay. You're room is warmer anyway, there's too much air conditioning in mine." She said with a smile, getting under the covers. I very slowly turned to my side and faced her.
      "Turn around." I said. She obeyed me. I got close to her and pressed myself up against her back, cautiously wrapping my arms over her stomach. The perfect position, it didn't hurt at all. After a few moment, I whispered "Good night, Laura."
      "Good night, Jimin."

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