Thirty Eight

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Happy New Yearsssss!! (dont be rude, say it back 😘☺️)

Starting 2018 with a new chapter,
sorry it's been a long time.


"Aye Quavo you awake?" I heard Rel call my name and turning the blinds to show the bright ass sun.

"Mane what the fuck, you want?" I groaned sitting up, immediately grabbing my phone.

"Gotta go to the hospital, I told you about this" He said, "We waiting downstairs" he laughed a little before leaving.

Yesterday night, Mal asked us to be at the hospital to meet fan who was a patient of hers.

"Ard" I got up and quickly brushed my teeth and showered before getting dressed. I slid on my jewelry and slid on the fully diamond wristwatch on my wrist. I noticed it was from Mal, I was gonna thank her when I take her out for lunch today.

"Nigga can you hurry the fuck up!!??" I heard Set yell from downstairs. I slipped my phone in my pocket and put on my shoes before stepping down the stairs.

"Be fucking patient"


" You slept well didn't you" I heard him say as I opened my eyes. I licked my lips as I looked at his blue eyes and smirked, thinking about last night. I sat up and rested my had on my hand to get a better look.

"Yes I did" I giggled a bit.

"You know I was thinking, maybe I should take you on a proper date before we continue what were doing" he said soothing my face with his thumb a bit.

"Yea that would be nice" I said. We stared at each other for a couple seconds before a knock on my door broke the silence.

"Who is it?!" I yelled out waiting for a response. "Tati" my sister said.

I turned to Jackson who was already getting up the bed grabbing his clothes. "I'll change in the bathroom" he said heading to the back.

I smiled a bit before putting on my panties and putting on my robe. Hearing the knock again and her voice made me roll my eyes.

Opening the door, she stood there with food in her hand.

"Yes?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

"Where were you yesterday?" she asked letting herself in and made her way to the counter.

"What do you mean?" I asked raising a brow. She stuffed some fries in her mouth, "Tati, why you eating those for breakfast?" I asked her double checking the time as it read 9 am.

"And so? I mean at the party, I didn't see you" she said.

I opened my mouth to say something but the sound of the toilet flushing stopped me, after a while Jackson came out the bathroom.

"Sorry" he said walking over to me.

"Its okay," I said smiling a bit. He kissed my cheek while giving me a slight hug.

"I'm gonna see you at the hospital to check on Macey?" he asked as I nodded my head yes in response. 

I opened the door for him and smiled and closed it after he walked out, returning my glance to Tati who had her mouth wide open in shock.

"Close your mouth sis." I said eating a fry as well.

"When did that happen? Is that the same man from the elevator?" she asked and continued to ask questions.

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