But this time, it had been directed at her. They weren't naming her Queen in the North, although she felt like it, they were showing their loyalty to her and no other.

The chants had stirred the rest of the camp, as they began blearily exiting their tents and going outside to see the commotion.

She knew then she couldn't force them to stay with Robb's camp. So instead of taking them and having Robb lose the Bua support entirely, she was going to march them North and protect it from the Greyjoys. And if she was on time, she'd march straight for Winterfell and protect his younger brothers with her life.

"Well then," she called out, quieting their shouts, "let's go home."


My dear Robb,

Know that I write this with a heavy heart, with full awareness that my timing could not be worse. It is upon the advice of your lady mother, that I have come to realise how truly foolish I have been. I have been blinded by my feelings for you, feelings I can only accurately describe as love. It is these feelings that have blinded me to the situation at hand, both my position and yours. I have agreed to leave your company and return to Baelfort at once. I have tried to reason with my men to stay and fight for you, however they refuse to be led by anyone other than myself.

Instead, I will march my men North and use them to protect it from further Greyjoy invasion.

If you must hang me for an oathbreaker upon your return North, I will accept that. For the relief I will surely feel that you are alive enough to do so, will far outweigh the pain of death.

Forgive the informality of writing this in a letter, however the pain of doing this in person would be too much for me to bear.

So all I can tell you is this, I do love you. And I will love you until the end of my days.





He stormed into his mother's tent so hard that it wouldn't be a surprise to anyone present if the entire thing collapsed. Grey Wind was so attuned to his anger, that he came pouncing behind him, growling at an unknown enemy.

"What did you do?" He gritted out, glaring at his mother with the most malice she had ever seen in her eldest child.

"Robb.." Catelyn began, standing up from her chair.

"Don't 'Robb' me! You forced Fianna to go North, tell me right now what you could have possibly done to make my most loyal lord forget her oaths and her loyalty," his tone was low but deadly nonetheless. She sighed as she approached him, trying to calm him.

"Was it her oath you are hurt over her leaving behind? Or you?"

"This again?!" He yelled, his face reddening in anger. "Tell me right now what you said or I swear to the gods-" he didn't finish, but he didn't need to.

"I reminded her of her place and suggested she leave for Baelfort," Catelyn replied infuriatingly calmly, her hands clasped in front of her.

"Fianna wouldn't just leave, especially not when it was just a suggestion from you, of all people."

"She is going to be the reason you lose this war, Robb!" Catelyn's composure broke as she began to shout back at him.

"Tell me how I am going to win it then when Fianna has taken all of her host back home with her?!" Catelyn recoiled in shock at his words.

Winter In My Heart | ROBB STARK.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ