"Has anyone ever told you girls that you are beautiful~" Brock and Brian asked

"Well there was these two handsome guys that always come over to our house every night." Shannon and Cookie says

"Really now. In that case we might have to meet these guys~" Brian says

"Yeah, one had a Irish accent and charming blue eyes and dyed red hair~" Shannon says

"And the other guy has neon green eyes and dark brown hair and is always wearing a sunset tank top and blue pants~" Cookie purrs

"And their names were Brian Terror and Brock Snuckel~" the girls purrs

"You girls are something else~" Brian and Brock say

The guys went in for a kiss when the door bell rings. The girls moaned but went to answer the door while Brian and Brock waited for them.

"We told you two not to follows us everywhere, we broke up with you years!!" Shannon yells

This causes Brian and Brock to go see what was happening!! There was two guys standing there at the door and the two went into protective mode over the girls.

"Can we help you??" Brian says wrapping his arms around Shannon and Brock does the same

"Are you their new boyfriends??" The guy in red asked

"Yes, we are! Are you bothering our Girlfriends??" Brock says with slight venom in his voice

"Yes, we are because they are our Girlfriends!" The other guy says

"We told you Luke and David, we broke up with you four years ago!!" Cookie says

"But we still love you though!!" David says

"Well, they have moved on with their lives and you should too before we call the cops on you!!" Brian says shutting the door in the guys faces

They locked all the doors and windows so they won't bother their girls. Shannon and Cookie were in tears as Brian and Brock held them close.

"How about this, we will stay with you girls tonight and we will even make a awesome dinner!" Brock says

"Really?" The girls say

"Of course!!" Brian says

The two girls were hugging their boyfriends tight and went to the living room to watch TV while their boyfriends made dinner.


The girls were in their boyfriends laps when Brian and Brock went to show them something.

"Girls, we have a secret that we want to share with you, hold our hands and close your eyes." Brian says with sadness in his voice

The guys led them down into a secret part of the basement that nobody knew about except themselves.

"Before you open your eyes, we just want you to know that we did everything we could to help you.." Brock says

The girls open their eyes and looks down and sees two skeletons in a hole along with two other Skeletons with them.

"But how did we die?" The girls asked

"Well that night we made the pumpkin roll, my mother was over and she noticed how happy we were and when Brock was had his back turned she put poison into the mix and we didn't know until we saw eating it and you started throwing up everywhere.. we tried to save but it was too late. If we would have known sooner we could have help before you died!!" Brock says with tears in his eyes

"Who is the two skeletons?" Shannon asked

"Believe it or not that is mine and Brock's skeletons. We used to live in this house.. well we still do and  my mom was mad at me because I got this house along with Brock and she killed both of us and she was the killer that killed all kids in High School and then killed us and placed our bodies down here and we wanted to put you where our bodies so you would be happy in our arms." Brian says

The girls realized how much Brian and Brock loved them and they understood that the guys didn't want to tell right away about being dead and the girls wipes the tears away from their boyfriends faces and kissed them passionately. Their boyfriends wrapped their arms around their Girlfriends and carried them to their bedrooms and made love to each other even though they were ghosts. It was true love for the four of them.

~Nine months later~

Shannon and Cookie were heading downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast with their bellies swollen because they found out that they were pregnant with Brian and Brock's children and they were so happy to have children with their lovers. Brian and Brock sees their girls and kisses their necks softly and then bent down and kissed their bellies.

"I can't believe you two are both having twins!" Brian and Brock say

"Well, they are being pains in the asses this morning!!" Cookie says

"They both kicked me in the ribs and it hurt like a bitch!!" Shannon says sighing feeling the babies move around

"But they are boys after all, Shannon and Cookie!!" Brian and Brock say

"Yeah just like their daddies!!" Cookie and Shannon say

Just then Shannon felt a very hard kick and it almost cause her to fall but Brian was right beside her. And Cookie noticed coming out between Shannon's legs.


~Hours later~

Both girls had their babies, Shannon named her two boys Jonathan and Ryan while Cookie had a boy and a girl, she named the girl Nikki and the boy Nathan. Both fathers were very happy to see their children and the girls were very tired so the guys took the babies while the girls slept. The four babies were so very quiet and they favored their mothers but mostly their daddies. Brian and Brock couldn't have asked for a better afterlife with their lovers and their babies.


I hope you guys like it!!

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