Chapter 1: School sucks

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I walk in to class like a hot mess. And no I do not mean I look hot. I'm anything but hot they call me the ugly duckling for a reason. I shoot the teacher an apologized look he rolls his eyes and points to my seat. I shuffle over there as eyes look at me in disgust. And knowing me I glare at every single one of them. They of course like always looked away from me not wanting people to know they would look at such a person.

I sit in my seat trying to be quiet but ended up falling out of my chair. All eyes were on me my checks were probably red. I look down and nails were scattered around me my chair in pieces. Red flashes behind my eye lids as I close my eyes trying to regain my calmness. I stand up and walk out the door leaving everything behind. They can pick up my stuff I don't need any of that crap anyway.

I run as fast as I could and jumped in mid air and shifted. It burned in the begging but relief spreads across my body as my paws hit the ground. Trees went past me as my fur blew in the wind. I breathed in a sigh, I was a beautiful wolf but an ugly human. I've wished for a mate all my life but doubt settled in my heart and I no longer desired one as much.

But my wolf yearned for one and I have to admit my human heart wanted someone to love as well. But the Moon Goddess wouldn't be willing to give me a mate. Not after my partners turned rogue not after my brother killed the Alpha of our old pack. My mate would never love a rogue. Nobody would love one.

What chance do I have? There's nothing special about me. I'm not like the other girls who smell like coconut. While I smell like pine trees. They have makeup while I don't have anything. There skinny while I'm just curvy. My mate if I get one would definitely reject me.

My chest hurt at the thought of such a thing. Don't say that. There love us they have to. And besides they got to love my amazing personality. My wolf growls out I roll my eyes. Cocky much? She laughs inside my head. I shake my head at the sound sometimes I think I might go a little crazy with her in my head.

Authors Note
Hey Storytellers,
This is my first ever werewolf book!
Tell me how I did.
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See you in the next chapter!

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