The last time on set...

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Annnnddd cut! Okey everyone this was the last scene for teen wolf. Well done! [Stiles's perspective] I cannot believe this is the end. As me and my love Lydia were packing our car we started laughing as we didn't know if we are supposed to celebrate or cry because it is the end. She started crying so i took her in my arms and wiped the tear off of her cheek. She said "I love you Stiles." as I answered "I love you too". As we drove home and she was holding my hand while I was driving she suddenly said "Stiles..." and I answered "Yes?" "What do you think about ever having kids with me?" "Well i don't really know........I guess......That I would LOVE to!" "Well.......That would be a pretty good thought cause I actually am........PREGNANT!" My heart skipped a beat as I heard her saying the magic word. She quickly kissed me as my eyes we're still on the road.

We pulled up at our house, and as  we were unpacking our stuff from the set, I could not get a smile off of my face, as I was thinking about our future, with two kids ,but if it will be one, then I will still be happy.


[Lydia's perspective] As we  were going to the hospital to check on our baby Stiles suddenly said "Lydia do you think that I will be ready to be a dad?" and I answered "Of course" "Why are you asking?" and he answered "I don't know it's just that it's a little weird to suddenly be a dad.....I guess"

When we arrived at the hospital we went to the registration took our ticket with our number on it, and waited until it was called, by a nurse or a doctor. The doctor called our number and me and Stiles got up and went into the room  we were supposed to go to. As Stiles was holding my hand I squeezed it a little bit more tightly , and he said "Are you okey?" and I answered "Yes, just didn't sleep so well yesterday." and I already know that he knew that I was telling the truth because I squeezed his hand at night so tightly because I had pains from our baby kicking me at night.

The doctor put some cream on my belly and our baby showed up on the screen, and immediately Stiles said "It's beautiful" and I immediately smiled at him. The doctor said that it is still too early to tell what gender the baby is but we didn't really care because we are capable of waiting for the miracle of our life. 

stiles and lydia / I will love you for everWhere stories live. Discover now