Lezione 21-'Ti piace'-'You like' and uses of 'in' and 'da'

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Buongiorno a te!

A te means 'to you' in Italian. You can also use it to thank someone back. Example: A) Thank you! B) Thank YOU! In Italian conversation, this would be: A) Grazie! B) A te! (Very informal.) If you want to go formal, say 'A Lei!' Remember that :)


Che bello vederti ancora!

I just said: how lovely to see you again!

Oggi studiamo l'espressione (the expression) 'ti piace' e gli usi (the uses) di 'in' e 'da'.


What I'm going to tell you on 'ti piace' is going to be quick and easy. Why? Because it works like 'mi piace', but it means 'you like'.

*Spanish speakers: Translate this as 'te gusta'.

So you can use it exactly the same way as with 'mi piace'-I like!

Ti piace il calcio? Do you like football?


Il calcio ti piace?

Ti piace il cioccolato. You like chocolate.

Add a question mark and raise intonation to form a question:

Ti piace il cioccolato? Do you like chocolate?


Il cioccolato ti piace? Do you like chocolate?

Ti piace l'hockey. You like hockey.

Ti piace lei? Do you like her?


Lei ti piace?

Ti piace studiare? Do you like studying?


Studiare ti piace?

Ti piace leggere libri? Do you like reading books?


Leggere libri ti piace?

Ti piace andare in vacanza? Do you like going on holiday?

In order to answer with, 'Yes, I do' or 'No, I don't', simply put 'Sì, mi piace' or 'No, non mi piace'.

Ti piace studiare? No, non mi piace. Do you like studying? No, I don't.

Ti piace ascoltare la musica?Sì, mi piace. Do you like listening to music? Yes, I do.


Vado in vacanza oggi=I'm going on holiday today ;) (More later)


Now for some more prepositions!

For today, two will suffice, and they are: in and da.

Before we start, here's a new expression for you to learn: Si trova in-it is found in/to find oneself in.



It may mean the same thing in English, but it can be used differently when indicating movement.

USE: For regions, large islands, countries, states, continents, and before nouns (classe-class, biblioteca-library, ufficio-office, chiesa-church, città-city, vacanza-holiday, montagna-mountains, and campagna-countryside).

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