Brainstorm - The young hero

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Izuku spent the night in Hosu general hospital, he met with the Hosu chief of police. He gave him the video he had been able to capture, showing he had only attacked when Stain had attacked first. Proving he had acted in self defence.

"It was still incredibly reckless." Tsuragamae-san said

"I know. But, I had to act to make sure two lives weren't lost." Izuku bowed his head. "I am willing to accept any punishment my actions deserve."

"Calm down, you have proof you acted in self-defence. And you were able to prove it for Todoroki Shoto too. However, you friend Iida Tenya..." Tsuragamae-san shook his head. "He did act illegally, and action should be taken."

"Should be?" Izuku repeated.

"If people knew, yes, but no was there with Iida-kun. So, we could just say he was targeted by the hero killer." Tsuragamae-san smiled. " You will probably be praised for what you have done."

"I don't really care, as long as their alive." Izuku smiled.

"Your friends are awake, I have feeling you want to speak to them." Gran Torino said

"After I call my mom." Izuku nodded.


"Hey mom..." Izuku said,  

Izuku! I was so worried, I just saw the news! Are you and your friends alright? Midoriya-san gasped.

"I'm fine Mom, they are too, I think. I haven't check on them yet. I am thankful for Todoroki's help, but Iida..." He sighed.

It's okay sweetie. You did save two lives, you are a true hero. Midoriya-san told.

"Only because I stayed within the laws." Izuku said "If I couldn't prove self-defence, do you how much trouble I would be in?"

I know sweetie, Yamada-san has been going on about how well you were doing staying with the laws... Oh, Aizawa-san wants to speak to you. Midoriya told him

"He's mad isn't he?" Izuku sighed

Yes. Aizawa answered, surprising him.

"S-Sorry!" Izuku stuttered.

But you did well, you saved two lives and got a killer off the streets, and all within the laws. Not many thirds year students could every have achieved that. Aizawa told him, Izuku looked down sadly. You're still feeling conflicted over this, aren't you?

"Yeah, I just need to speak to Iida though." Izuku nodded. "Need to see if he is okay."

Okay, we'll see you soon. Aizawa nodded

"Speak to you later." Izuku said. The call ended, he looked at his phone and sighed. The police should have finished speaking to Iida and Todoroki now, so he began to head up to the hospital room they were in. Todoroki and Ida were silent as Izuku entered and sat on the edge of his bed.

"I know you're angry..." Iida began.

"Angry is no where near how I am feeling." Izuku said "Do you know how much trouble you could have gotten into? You broke the law, Iida. You acted the exact way I told you not to act. I warned you, but you let your personal feelings overrule you common sense." Izuku rubbed his forehead.

"I have no excuse for my actions." Iida bowed his head. "I am really sorry getting you caught up in my mess."

"At least no one died." Todoroki said

"and you two are being hailed as Heroes." Iida added.

"Yeah, but it doesn't feel right... I am going to see if I can get discharged." Izuku stood up. "I'll see you two are school."

"See you Midoriya." Todoroki watched him go, and sighed. "I am going to assume he's going to be in that mood for a while."

"I can't blame him." Iida frowned.


"Ready to go kid?" Gran Torino asked, Izuku had changed from his hospital gown into his hero costume.

"I guess. Will we be doing a patrol before we head back?" Izuku asked

"Yes, we are making sure there are no more of those Nomu things around." Gran Torino nodded. "but you should be prepared for a crowd, you are a recognised hero now, even if you are still in school."

"Not sure if I am looking for that." Izuku said. However, he had not expected them to bump into a crowd waiting right outside the hospital, luckily there were several police station there to keep the crowd back. Questions were being shouted at him, mostly asking for his name.

"Can I address them?" Izuku asked the Gran Torino, who nodded. Izuku stepped forward. "I know you all have questions for me, but not isn't the time for them. But, all you need to know was I did act in self defence, and we probably who have been killed if the pros had gotten there later."

"What's your name?" A news reported shouted. Izuku stood tall and looked at the camera, there was a red light, so it was live... He smiled, may as well.

"Call me Brainstorm." Izuku answered. "Now, Please excuse me and my mentor. I still have a lot to learn on my work placement." Izuku and Gran Torino were able to get away thanks to the police.

"You handled them quite well, Brainstorm." Gran Torino said, Izuku blushed slightly. "I have a feeling you'll be one great hero."

"T-Thank you!" Izuku felt honoured by his words. As they patrolled the main streets, a few people would stop and stare with the occasional picture, some kids happily waved to him. Izuku smiled and waved back, Grant Torino watched him. Compassion and a good head on his shoulders, this kid was going to be a great hero for sure, maybe even greater then All Might.

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