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     After Jack passed out I started to cry harder. I can't believe he saved me. I can't believe he told me he loved me. He can't die.

   I called the first person I seen, Logan.

    Logan Zach

Oh hey bubba

Logan get to the hospital

Zach I can't hear you wait are you in a police car? Or an ambulance? Are you okay? What did you you do? Where's Jack?  Did you know it's 1 am
Logan get to the hospital now

I'm going to the hospital

That's what I was trying to tell you

Are you saying something!? well I'mma get going to the hospital the boys are with me bye bubba

    I rolled my eyes he couldn't even hear me. I felt a hand rub my back. I looked up and seen an older woman.

    "Hey don't worry we're going to do everything we can" she said and I nodded. We arrived at the hospital and I walked with Jack still holding his hand while they pushed him on his stretcher.

     Someone put their hand on my chest. "That's as far as you can go sir" the woman from the ambulance said and they wheeled him away, Making me let go of his hand.

    I cried even harder until I felt hands wrap around me and the woman left. I kicked and screamed and then they picked me up and I continued.

   "Bubba stop and tell me what's wrong and what happened" I hear someone say and I knew it was Logan.

   I stopped kicking and screaming and continued to sob in his chest. And lightly punch his chest. He walked into the waiting room and I seen all the boys with worried faces.

    "What happened Z" Jonah asked but I shook my head. Logan sat down and I tried getting out of his grip.

    "Bubba stop and tell us what happened. we have never seen you like this before" Logan said.

    "Come on Z tell us what happened" Corbyn and Daniel asked. I looked up at Logan and he kissed my head in a brotherly way.

     "Jack f-found me in o-our secret t-treehouse and we fell as-asleep and I-I woke up and he t-told me that h-he loves me a-and then he cr-cradled me in his a-arms and the t-tree fell and I got off h-him as soon as It f-fell and th-there was a b-big stick going th-through his leg and now w- we're h-here" I explained and cried harder.

      I cried myself to sleep and probably lost my voice.  I don't give a f-

    I was woken up by Logan picking me up and started walking. I open my eyes, he noticed and still held me.

     We followed a nurse to a room we walked in and I stumbled out of Logan's grip and ran over to Jack and grabbed his hand.

    He woke up and smiled at me. "Hey Zach" he said with a raspy voice and I smiled, glad he's alive. I couldn't help it and started crying a river probably damaging my voice even more.

    "Oh come here baby" he said. I blushed and crawled in beside him and put the blankets over my body and snuggled into him. He played with my hair calming me down.

    "Hey I'm okay they got the wood out without having to amputate so I have a tiny chance of walking" he said and I nodded.

    He winced in pain and I jumped back a bit and he pulled me into him. "I'm fine I promise, it just hurts a little but your making it better" he said and I put my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat.

     "That's the cutest bond in the world, that's like god had a mission to put them together their like soulmates" I heard the nurse say and I fell asleep to the soft beating of his heart and him massaging my hair.

     I woke up and seen the boys, Logan and Jack's parents. I sat up not waking Jack up and got out of the bed and crawled onto Logan's lap.

     I cried silently while he rubbed my back. "You guys look cute together" Jack's mom said. I smiled and hugged her. "Thank you" I said and she smiled "no problem hunny" she said and Jack moved.

    His parents walk up to him and I sit back on Logan's lap and cuddle into him. "It's okay bubba" he said and kissed my head. He's the only one I'll let call me bubba.

      I nodded. Jack smiled at his parents and his mom kissed his forehead and his dad ruffled his hair gently. "We have a business thing to attend but we love you Jack" his mom said and his parents left I walked over and wiped the one tear falling from his cheek.

     I crawled back into his small bed when he weakly lifted the blanket. "I love you Zay" he said and I smiled. "I love you too Jacky" I said and he cuddled into me.

     I heard the boys freaking out about how cute we were. I kissed his head and he fell asleep in my arms. I smiled and laid my head on his.

    "Bubba we're going to go home but you can stay here and we will bring clothes and food for you in the morning imma see if I can bring Jack clothes since I know for a fact that gown is not warm" Logan said I nodded and he left.

     I kissed Jack's hair and fell asleep holding my true love.

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