Chapter 12: Little Jack

Start from the beginning

She was right. As much pain as I was in, I couldn't stay strapped to this bed forever, and the whole world wouldn't wait patiently as my injuries healed. I reassured her a bit more, reminded her how much time it'd been already, and soon saw her off, smiling politely as she closed the door.


In three days' time, I was finally being released from the hospital. They were planning to keep me in there for another week or so, but I managed to convince them of how fine I was feeling, how I couldn't miss a day of class, how I would be more careful next time, and so on until they finally let me go. Even still, the leg was far from fully recovered, so I left with a cast and crutches, as well as heavy words of warning from the doctor.

As I arrived at my destination, I was greeted by a tearful Rosa, wrapping her arms around my waist with surprising strength, and a more-than-relieved Dad to welcome me back. Apparently in the week I was in a coma, he was able to get the week off from work, and had spent most of the time reassuring Rosa that I would be alright. Rosa had been terrified, wondering what else may have happened, since I had been in the hospital for so long. She still went to Sentinal every day, but at home she would run into our father's arms, and half the time, she would cry. It made me feel that much weaker to realize how dependent on me my family was, and that I had failed them in the moment that it had really mattered.

It was my fault they had worried so much.

There was more, however, for my father to say. After welcoming me back, and immediately serving a large and delicious lunch, he admitted that he had an announcement to make. While I was "away," he and Rosa had gone out to an animal shelter, and had a surprise prepared for when I returned. With that, he got out of his seat, and walked to the door to his bedroom.

I watched as he gripped the handle mischievously, bringing a finger to his lips. He barely cracked it open before a small, chirpy little puppy dashed out of the opening and lifted its legs on my good leg, looking up at my face with an indescribable grin on its innocent little face. "It's a Jack Russell Terrier," Dad pointed out, as I scratched the back of its ears. "Small, playful, excited 24/7, but a complete pain to train, or so I've been told."

"Hey, he's so cute! You actually adopted a dog, Dad? How are we going to train him, feed him, walk him, and so on?" I leaned down awkwardly, ignoring a minor ache to rub his belly as he rolled around.

"Well, I was hoping to get more time off at work, so I could feed and train him whenever I have time. I'll be counting on you two, however, to do most of the walking, if you guys are alright with that."

This time Rosa cut in. "Of course we would! I, personally, would love to take care of this pup, and Kaze's on board, too, right?" She looked up at me expectantly.

I'd always been wary of the idea of owning pets, especially after living my life despising the animal-like monsters of Shade. But seeing this puppy...

He was just too cute!

"W-Well, yeah, of course. It would be awesome to take care of such a cute, playful pup! So, what's his name?"

Apparently this caught Dad off guard, and he stuttered, "I— uh, well, I mean, I was actually planning on letting you name him."

"Really? Alright, hmm, let me think. He's a little Jack Russell Terrier, and he is super excited... Hm. Oh, I've got it! How about Little Jack?"

"Little Jack, you say? That actually sounds pretty good. Rosa, what do you think?"

I turned to her for her opinion, but to my surprise, she looked kind of sad in her joy. It was the kind of smile like watching one's child leave home for some big-shot university. In that moment, she looked incredibly mature, almost adult-like.

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