Chapter 4: Kong Studios

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Your POV

As I hopped in the geep, I saw a big, white-eyed man, a small Japanese looking girl, and a green pickle looking guy.

"Y/N, this is Noodle, Russel, and Murdoc." 2D said, pointing to the corresponding people.

"Nice to meet'cha, Y/N. You can call me Russ. I don't mind." he smiled as he shook my hand.

"You can call me daddy~" Murdoc smirked as he touched my neck.

I shivered, uncomfortable by the touch.

"Please don't do that, Murdoc." I said.

"You're no fun." he groaned, starting the geep.

"Herro." Noodle smiled, hugging me.
"She doesn't speak english well, but I think she likes you." Russel whispered into my ear.

The geep finally started after a few attempts to turn it on by Murdoc.

"Finally." he grunted.

"(Y/N)-san, where you work?" Noodle asked as she tilted her head.

"I work in the record shop down the street." I answered.

"Oh! I love going there!" Russel said. "The drumsticks they sell there are sick!"

"Hm..Actually, I think I see you sometimes.." I said, trying to remember.

"Y'know, 2D talked a bit 'bout you during dinner last night." Murdoc stated. "Where's you two meet?"

"Well, you see it's a funny story." I replied. "We met through a mistaken message."

I explained how I met him and everyone laughed as I spoke.
Everyone but Paula.

"Big coincidence!" Noodle giggled. I liked her as well. She was very cute!

"Yep." I chuckled.

All of a sudden, the geep stopped and I nearly fell off the seat.

"What the fu-"

"We have a 10-year old here, Y/N." Russel muttered, signaling his eyes to Noodle.

"Sorry." I whispered in embarrassment.

"We're here, lads and laddies." Murdoc announced. "Now get out, the rain is getting worse."

Everyone then went out of the car. As we were walking into the studio, I could see Paula holding 2D's hand tightly, and looking at me with a sinister smirk.

"Erm..Paula, yer kinda holdin' meh too tight." 2D said.

Paula ignored him.


Still no answer.




Immediately, Paula let go of her hand, frightened for the quiet blue haired boy has raised his voice.

"Sorry." 2D muttered.

"You better be." Paula scoffed. "You raised your voice to your dear, DEAR girlfriend."

"Did she just say that?!" I whispered under my breath.

"Said something, girly?" Paula said as she glared at me.

"N-nothing." I stuttered.

"Y'know, I think I heard you say something. Spit it out." Paula commanded.

"I...I just said-Can we go in now? The rain is getting really bad.." I lied.

It was true, though. The rain was getting worse.

Everyone, excluding Paula, nodded their heads and walked into the house.

And I swear Paula whispered something when she passed by me.

"That's the last time you're getting away with something."


As I went into this so-called "Kong Studious" I was greeted by the worst stench I've smelled my entire life.

I tried very hard not to gag.

"Welcum to Kong, Y/N." 2D smiled. "Lemme show ya to yer room."

2D took out his hand, as a sign for me to hold it.

I shook my head, secretly pointing at Paula, who's eyes were pierced to 2D's action.

"Sawry, luv. Meybe wen we're far enof." he whispered.

I squealed in the inside, knowing that 2D was willing to hold my hand, and that he called me





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