JungKook X Yuju

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Just A Friend

Jungkook cries silently as he drink another bottle of soju.He sat down on his balcony and raise his bottle in the air while crying and laughing crazily.

"J-Jungkook..."Yuju voice trailed as she saw Jungkook lay on the balcony drunk with another 5 empty bottles of soju on the floor.

"Eunha.........."Jungkook whine while crying.

"Jebal dont leave me..."He said clearly

"Jungkook what happened?"Yuju asked sitting beside him.

"My bunny,she,she,s-she k-kiss.....I saw her kiss Jimin"He said

"But that doesnt mean she's cheating on you right?"Yuju said patting his back and brought him near to her comforting him.

"I even heard her calling him Yeobo and Jagiya..thats suppose to be our nickname.."He said and broke in tears onto Yuju.

"Its late already Jungkook lets go to sleep.."Yuju said and helped him standing up leading him to his bed.

Yuju tucked the bedsheet onto Jungkook's body and left to downstair.

She prepare him a medicine to release his hangover for the next day.

Yuju sigh before sitting on the table counter.

"When will he realize my feelings for him?Will he ever look at me like how he look at Eunha?"Yuju said not noticing a tear rolled from her eyes

"Aigoo Yuju ah stop crying for a boy who never notice you.."She said laughing heartlessly while wiping her tears.

She then walked back to Jungkook's room to check on him.

From the door she him sleeping soundly while muffling "Eunha Eunha Eunha" nonstop

"Aish that boy must be in love sick with her.."She said in annoyed

Yuju walked closer to Jungkook and sit on the edge of his bed.

"Maybe just for this once.."Yuju said thinking about her plan for Jungkook.

"Just for once I will never regret this in my entire life.."Yuju said and lay down beside Jungkook and wrap her arm around Jungkook.

Jungkook then wrap his arm around Yuju's body making her blush.

"Jungkook-ssi"Yuju said making the boy goes hum

"I know you never notice me but I just wanted to say that I love you,I really love you"

"Not confessing to you are my biggest mistake that I ever done."

"I wanted to hurt myself so bad but I cant.."

"I cant cause your the reason why I never wanted hurt myself"

"I wanted to see you smile everyday"

"But the reason that your smiling is not because of me"

"But its okay,as long as your happy Im happy too"

Yuju said crying onto his embrace

"Jungkook-ssi I love you.."She said crying while hugging him.

She felt a stroke on her hair and she heard his husky voice due to drinking alcohol to much

"I love you to Eunha"

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