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I pull into the parking lot of the cafe. I see Alex's car just like I hoped for and I climb out of my car and make my way to the front door.

As I step in the door rings. She looks up and her bright smile fills the room and of course I smile back.

"Hot chocolate again?" She ask with a chuckle. "Of course." I smile. She doesn't even bother telling me the price because she knows I know it.

As I pull out my wallet the door dings. We both look up and I stiffen.

Two guys walk in. They worked for Holmes. I know they did. I've seen them before.

Alex timidly goes to make my drink and I keep a close eye on the men. I don't know why they're here but I know it's not good.

Alex hands me my drink and I send her a soft smile and then shift my gaze back to the two men.

They walk up to the register and Alex smiles shyly at them. "Alex?" One of them ask. Me and her both stiffen.

I slowly shove my wallet into my back pocket and watch. I watch their every move.

"We know you were there when the boss was shot." One speaks up and I bring my hand closer to my waist band to grab my gun that I always keep.

She doesn't know what to say. "Tell us who did it." One mutters. "I-I don't know." She says honestly.

One of the guys slams his fist on the counter causing her to jump. "Woah take it easy." I jump in. They glare at me. "She doesn't know." I add with a shrug.

They walk towards me and away from her. One reaches out to grab the collar of my coat but I catch his hand. "Really?" I ask with a chuckle. He has no clue what he's getting himself into.


He catches his hand and my eyes widen. What the hell is going on?

He twist the guys arm and flips him over. The other guy looks at him with wide eyes. None of us expected this from him.

"I suggest you leave." He mumbles to the other guy. Those words replay in my head.

He's the guy that killed my boss. I remember him telling me that I should get out. It's him.

My eyes widen even more if that's even possible.

The guy helps the other guy up and they leave quickly. He turns to face me and he sees my wide eyes. "It's you." Is all I can get out.

His face is filled with fear like he doesn't know what to do next which is strange coming from him. He's trained to know what to do.

"Look I can explain but I need you to come with me. It's not safe to be here right now." He says quickly looking over his shoulder. I shake my head no. I'm not going anywhere with him.

"I don't even know your name." I say flatly trying to find any excuse I can to not go with him.

"Grayson. It's Grayson." He says softly. I just nod. I have no clue what else to say. "Come on." He motions for me to follow him.

I don't know why I follow him but I do.

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