Part 9 An Old Face

Start from the beginning

Well I probably should keep the having to kill her thing a secret for now. Rose thought to herself

Wait a second are you looking for Greg who's the other guy I sent to the slave camp then ? Abby Asked Rose

Hi's name Is Noah and I also need him back If you would be so kind. Rose Said

Abby chuckled.

I'm not giving them to you for free It will cost you. Abby Said

How much ? Rose Asked Abby

Hummmm about a few thousands dollars. Abby Said

Rose and Z looked shocked.

What the hell how am I supposed to get that kind of money. Rose SIad

Ahhhh Is Gwen not giving you an aloueche any more. Abby Said

Don't you ever say her name bitch. Rose Said

Why Is she dead or something ? Abby Asked Rose

Rose looked down.

Wait she Is dead Isn't she how'd It happen I want details. Abby Said

Rose stayed looking down and didn't say anything.

Look at me when I'm talking. Abby Said

Abby got up and walked over and slapped Rose then Rose looked up at her.

How about you go fuck yourself bitch. Rose Said

What did you just say. Abby Said

Z got between them.

Abby don't kill her please she's could be useful to us. Z Said

Don't you think I know that I've known her longer than you. Abby Said

Yeah sorry I forgot. Z Said

So get out of my way. Abby Said

Z looked Abby In the eyes.

Are you gonna hurt her ? Z Asked Abby

Why do you care It's not like you like her or anything. Abby Said

Z blushed.

Oh my god you do like her why am I not surprised. Abby Said

Rose looked at Z.

Is that true ? Rose Asked Z

I well um. Z Said

Abby chuckled and went back to her chair and sat down and Z moved from In front of Rose.

Ok enough chit chat let's get to the point. Abby Said

What are you getting at ? Rose Asked Abby

Well I'm making you two slaves. Abby Said

Rose and Z eyes went wide.

Are you fucking serious. Z Said

Hey you'll get to see Greg and what's his name again. Abby Said

Rose pulled out her gun and aimed It at Abby.

I'm gonna fucking kill you right here right now. Rose Said

Ok go ahead and do it you'll be killed right after me. Abby Said

Not with my help she won't. Z Said

Hahahaha Oh boy I'm so afraid right now by the way don't look behind you. Abby Said

What are you talking about. Rose Said

Rose turned to see a bunch of people with guns aimed at her and Z.

Z turn around. Rose Said

Z turned and his eyes went wide.

Shit this isn't good. Z Said

Oh come can't you paralyze them all ? Abby Asked Z

No only one of them. Z Said

Why's that ? Rose Asked Z

I've tried more than one before and It almost knocked me out. Z Said

Well shit. Rose Said




Rose and Z where In the back of a Slave ship going across the desert.

Z I want to ask you something ? Rose Asked Z

Z looked at Rose.

What Is It ? Z Asked Rose

I wanna know If you really like me. Rose Said

Z looked down for a few seconds then back at Rose.

Yeah I do I know there's no chance since I got Gwen killed. Rose stopped Z by kissing him

I like you to and I don't blame you for her death I blame your brother and Abby. Rose Said

Oh ok. Z Said

                                                                     END OF CHAPTER  

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