Beginne am Anfang

"Noona, I brought this for you." Taehyung hand me the blender.

OMO! TAEHYUNG! But, what will I do with this blender?

"A-ahh t-thank you?" I said so confused. He's so cute showing his square smile. If I'm not loyal to Hobi, for sure Taehyung is now my bias.

"V-hyung ahh! Just put that away. Hi noona, ireumen Jungkook, scale-eun jeonguk." Jungkook offered his hand to me while nodding his head. That line seems familiar... did he just rap his line in bulletproof?

What. Is. Happening? Why is he so cute? Why does Jungkook looks like a baby. Whyyyyyy?

If I'm not into Hoseok, I'm sure Jungkook will be my bias too.

"Noona?" Jungkook snap his fingers.

I was out of it for a second.

"Oh! Im Y/N, that's Joy,-" I pointed Joy at the door whose hands are in her heart.

Please don't do something crazy.

"She's the one who fainted right?" Taehyung said pointing at Joy too.

"Yeah she's the one. Ahm, and she's Jha." I smiled awkwardly at them. I pointed Jha whose now leaning against the wall.

"Hyung who hit you last night?" Jungkook looked at Hobi asking.

"It doesn't matter now." Hoseok answered. I can't see him clearly because Taehyung and Jungkook are blocking my sight of him.

"Could it be her?" Taehyung pointed Joy. "Or it could be her."  Taehyung said pointing Jha.

"You two, stop asking and move out of my way." Hoseok parts Taehyung and Jungkook like a door revealing him in the middle of the two holding a bouquet of flowers while smiling from ear to ear.

He looks like an angel coming from up above. He is shining. 

They said that if you see the one who's meant for you, everything will move in slow motion. Hoseok is moving in slow motion right now.

Is he the one I'm meant to be with?

"Are you reading that?" he asked pointing the book that I'm holding. I nod at him with an awkward smile.

He smiled at me then flipped the book.

"Oh, so that's how you read a book, upside down?" He said still smiling. My whole face went red to the realization.

"Haha." I fake laugh. That's so embarrassing!! I'm embarrassing.

"Anyway, this is for you." He gave me the flowers. OMO! My bias is giving me flowers. Ahhhhhh!!

"T-thank you." I said putting down the book and receiving the flowers from him. His hands brush into mine. Hory shet. I smell the flowers and smile awkwardly.

This is not a dream. This is not a dream. This is not a dream!!! This is real Y/N.

"Are you feeling good now?" Hoseok lowered his head and put the back of his right hand on my forehead. I almost choked.

"Y-yeah." His face so close to mine and I can feel his breath on my face.

"Jin-hyung made that huge lunch box for you and Namjoon told me to give you that basket of fruits." I can smell his breath. OMG. I have chills all over my body.

"Noona! I don't have a gift for you so I can be your bodyguard for today." Jungkook said waking my frozen body then he walk beside my bed causing him to bump into my hand where the dextrose was inserted. My hand started bleeding and everyone panics.

"Ouch!" I held my right hand up to stop the blood.

"No! I'm sorry noona!" Jungkook held my bleeding hand.

"Ahhhhhh! She's bleeding!" Hoseok screamed on top of his lungs.

I laugh at the situation remembering that Hoseok fears everything but I'm worried for him too I don't want him to be scared.

"Guys I'm okay. Just relax." I said to calm everyone down. They are going crazy! What the heck.

"OMG! Judith are you okay? I'll call the doctor!" Joy shouted.

"I'm coming with you!" Jha said and ran off with Joy.

"Why did you do that!? She's now bleeding" Taehyung went to Jungkook and hit him.

"Mianhe noona! I didn't mean it." Jungkook held my left hand. He is now holding both of my hands.

Taehyung sat beside me and grab my other hand from Jungkook.

I looked at Hoseok, he is still shocked but he walks towards me and hug me.

"You'll be fine the doctor is on its way." My face is in his chest. I looked up to see his face, his eyes are shut scared to look at the blood. I smiled.

I can hear my heart. It is jumping up and down, left and right.

I can hear his heart too. It's beating fast like mine.


I shut my eyes feeling the moment.

"Judith! The doctor is here. Are you still ali-- ve.?" Jha slams the door.

We all looked to the door and saw Jha and Joy. Their eyes went big when they saw Hobi hugging me, then Jungkook and Taehyung are holding my hands. Everyone paused for a bit.

"May I excuse myself?" The doctor entered the room and the boys disperse giving the doctor a space.

He fixes the dextrose and transferred the needle from my right hand to my left.

"All done! Just take care of your hand. There are blood stains here. I'll call someone to change your bed sheets." The doctor said when he finished putting a bandage on my right hand.

"Thank you, doctor." I said and bow to the doctor.

"You still look pale, you should eat healthy and take your medicines on time. Okay?" the doctor checked my vitals.

"Doctor, how long does she need to stay here?" Jha asked the doctor.

"From the way she looks right now, I think she'll stay here three to four more days. A nurse will check her every hour to make sure everything is fine." I looked at the doctor.

"Three to four days? But I'm fine now." I told the doctor.

"Actually, it really depends on your recovery. I will run some test on you later so eat healthy okay?" –doctor

I nod at the doctor.

"Thank you, Doc." Hoseok said and gave the doctor a handshake.

"You're welcome. I'll go ahead now. Take good care of her." The doctor then leaves the room.


Author's Note:

There's a corona virus outbreak in my city. Please take care y'all.

IDOL // JHOPE BTS - (On-Going)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt