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Henry's POV :

I walked inside home and saw my aunt watching TV, once she realised it was me she came towards me frantically and crossed her arms realizing the situation.

"where were you? I was worried sick!" she yelled.

"it's fine, I stayed over at Emma's place." I told her and she slowly smirked.

"did you use protection?" she joked and I widened my eyes.

"I'm kidding! You're reaction was priceless!" she laughed and I rolled my eyes before going upstairs, sure she was amazing, I even see her as a mom, but the teasing was embarrassing.

I went inside my Room and on the bed. Emma gets flustered so easily and it was cute, but I felt bad for her. She tries so hard to impress her parents but they don't care.

I want to ask her out, I'm going to ask her out.

a week later

It's been a week and I still haven't done it, I haven't asked her out, I hang out with her a lot but I always chicken out. I don't feel like Henry Bowers, I used to be able to do whatever I wanted, but now? With Emma? I can't focus.

I was in the park with Viktor and belch, we usually pick in the kids here and I don't want them to know any things going on.

"look, Emma's over there with her friend. They're kinda hot." belch said and Victor looked at me smirking, he knew about me and Emma and he knew I got jealous easily, but belch didn't. The park was one of Emma's favorite spots in Derry So I wasn't surprised she was here. 

"Don't say that, Emma's not into guys like you anyway," I spat, and Viktor was holding up his laugh, while belch looked at me surprised.

"how would you know?"

"because she doesn't. Simple." I snapped and I watched her intently.

"Well, if she doesn't like guys like me, then she probably won't like guys like you since we do the same things." he said and Viktor just sat down on the bench behind us, that we ignored before.

"shut up."

"You have a thing for her." belch realised and furrowed his eyebrows.

"yeah, I do. So back off," I warned and he shut up. He took the hint and I saw Viktor of the bench smirking. I though if Viktor of an actual friend but belch was more of a companion.

"whatever man. Let's just go."

Emma's POV :

" dress nice!" Bethany told me, we were going to her birthday party and I couldn't wait to give her my present. Right now, Bethany was helping me puck my Dress.

When I finally did, I thought it was great. It was a dress with a flowery design and Bethany did nu hair and makeup. Not a lot of makeup of course but just enough.

It was evening and my the time we would leave, it would be dark.


I was right, it was dark. Not too dark I guess, a few people were around, teens and adults smoking. A few boys at the skate park, and some at the park i was getting really cold so I started waking faster.

Beth was seventeen, of felt wierd, she's getting old. Henry's birthday is soon too, I wonder what I should get him. A new skateboard? He likes to skate and his dad never got him one so it would be a good present.

I found myself smiling at the thought of him, when would he just ask me out already?

I walked closer towards my house but it was still a few minutes away. In the day I saw two figures kissing, maybe a couple? I continued waking towards my house and the two people became clearer.

My smile vanished I recognised who they were. I gasped alerting them of my presence, Henry pushed Greta of jim and I could almost hear my heart break.

" E-Emma–" he started but I cut him off.

"save it." I said sadly and angrily and I tried walking off quickly before I started crying.

Henry grabbed my arm tightly and pulled it, forcing me to look at him. He had eagerness and sadness written over his face and a hint if shock. He wasn't expecting me to see him kissing Greta?jerk.

"Its not what it looks like Emma, just let me explain." he pleaded and I yanked my arm away.

"There's nothing to explain, you don't need to feel bad for it, we weren't dating so it's not like you were cheating on me." I spat and walked away but he came jogging behind me.

"Emma please–"

"leave me alone Henry! Just go back to Greta!" I yelled and started tearing up since I liked him so much.

"Emma listen to me." he demanded and I scoffed.

"I don't want to listen to any of your bullshit, this was bound to happen anyway, your Henry Bowers. I hate you." I seethed and ran off, ignoring the hurt expression I caught on his face and him calling my name. I reached my house, I allowed the tears to fall freely once I got in.

I went into my room and cried. I hate him ; I hate him for making me fall into his trap.

Misunderstood∙ Henry Bowers जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें