Chapter 6-A new character

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Still Fresh POV

There was nothing but darkness.

It was so cold and so empty.

I don't know how long i was here... waiting for something, anything to happen.

I sat alone in the emptiness of this world. . .

Fresh. . .

then a light far beyond my reach, appears sparking something inside me.


I stard running as fast as my legs could, r e a c h i n g o u t.





Fresh, honey?
I don't know if you clould hear me...





Your father and i will always love you dear...
Please always remember that.




Tired and my whole body aching was the first thing i noticed, but still i forced my heavy eyesockets to open.

But the brightness of the room caught me off guard and i immedietly closed my eyesockets, before trying again.

He couldn't see in one eye.

"Here, drink this, take small sips only" someone placed a hand in my hand with shaky hands i hold the glass and followed the instruction given, only now did i notice how thirsty i was.

"W-who are you? *cough* where am i?" I ask in hoarse voice, the woman smiled sadly "you're in the hospital, someone brought you here when they saw you beaten up"

"Can i ask you a few questions?" I gave her a small nod, "whats your name?" "I.. im Fresh" she nodded

"Do you remember what happened?"

I was about answer when there was a knock on the door and entered a red haired police

"Dr. Alina, can i have a few minutes with your patient?" The police officer asks with a sharp tone.

Dr Alina nodded but didn't move to leave, go see

"If you're wondering what's my name it's Miyah I'm officer Miyah"she said sweetly while I just nod

"Do you know who did this to you?"she ask more serious now
"Y-yes" I said while my voice beginning to shake

"Can you tell us who did this" when she ask this I was trembling remembering what she did to me "please no more I-I can't take it anymore s-stop please".

Fresh began to shake "please no more I-I can't take it anymore s-stop please" he said while stuttering a bit"Fresh calm down , whoever did this they won't hurt you anymore he slowly look at me

"Are you sure?" He ask me and I can see in his eyes the pain , fear and sadness

"Yes Fresh your safe"now I'm curious about his family if he told them whenever he gets beaten up or something

"Fresh where are your parents?"

"Fresh where are your parents?"she ask me"my mom is at home and my dad is working I think he got home in 7:30pm"I answered her question

"Do you have siblings or are you an only child"she ask

"No, I'm not an only child I have a sister she's studying abroad , her name is Ashley"

Oh my God now fresh have a sister what's going to happen in this story now 😰😰😰,and I finish this chapter on December 4 because my birthday is tomorrow and I want to have a chapter before my birthday because maybe if you readers like I'll have a Q and A (if someone ask a question on the comments like what is your favorite color yada yada yada ) and thank you for the 108 follow guys I appreciate it so much see you guys in the next chapter

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