They're probably starting a dumb rumor again she thought.

Jackson hugged Tzuyu "Don't do anything stupid at school, okay? "

Tzuyu nodded and kissed her brothers cheek "I won't "

Tzuyu turned and head to the entrance of her school, she looked back and waved goodbye. The car started to start and Jackson was off.

Tzuyu saw people crowding at the entrance watching her intensely as she passed by them. Tzuyu stopped halfway when she saw a pair of eyes looking at her with a hurt face.

"Jungkook? "


Jungkook was reading yet again inside his classroom. Until he heard people talking outside the classroom, curiosity got the best of him and so he got up and walked outside the classroom.

He saw people crowding at the entrance, whispering to each other.

"Did you see Tzuyu? "

It's about Tzuyu?  He wondered walking further.

"With that boy? "

S-she's with a guy?

"I heard he was hot "

"Yeah he is! "

"He's still outside with Tzuyu! "

With that Jungkook sprinted outside and saw that the girls were right. Jungkook was hurt, he was so hurt.

He thought that maybe just maybe Tzuyu felt something for him. Especially after the incident last Saturday. He wanted to turn away not able to handle the pain anymore, but he couldn't. He just stood there eyeing Tzuyu, wondering how this scene will play out.

Jungkook thought the pain wouldn't get worse but he was wrong. Dead wrong. He saw Tzuyu kiss the right cheek of the guy and his heartached at the scene in front of him.

He backed away when he saw Tzuyu walking towards the entrance, he blended in the crowd hoping she won't see him like this but unfortunately Tzuyu saw him.


He didn't reply he just turned around and sprinted off back to his classroom, leaving Tzuyu standing frozen in the middle of the crowd.


Tzuyu didn't know what she did wrong. Was he angry or was he.......No it couldn't be, he doesn't like her, does he?

He wasn't jealous right?

No that can't be it. Tzuyu shook that thought away and started to walk again with a quicker pace this time. She stopped in front of her classroom, hesitating to open the door.

She brought herself together and opened the door to see Jungkook burying his head in his arms.

Tzuyu wanted to go over there and talk to him. Ask him what she did wrong, but their adviser already came.

T I M E  S K I P

Tzuyu was listening to the lecture when she felt a gentle tap on her shoulder. She looked to her right and saw one of her classmates, Jeon Somin holding a piece of paper.

"It's from Nayeon" Somin whispered "She wants you to read it"

Tzuyu snatched the paper from Somin's hand and started reading it silently;

I heard you were seen with a hot guy this morning, who is he?

Tzuyu cringed when he rear hot guy. Jackson is not that attractive, he looked like homeless person compared to Tzuyu. I mean she is the attractive one among the two them.

She took out her pen and started writing in her neat cursive handwriting;

For your information that 'guy' is my brother. He's name is Chou Jackson.

Tzuyu whispered Somin's name, telling her to give the paper back to Nayeon.

Somin passed it to Jiwoo, then to Jun, and then to Sana. When it reached Sana, she opened the paper and started reading it. She turned to Tzuyu and mouthed "Really? "

"Yup" Tzuyu mouthed back.

Sana passed it to Jeonghan, to Seulgi, to BamBan then to Irene, then to Nayeon. Nayeon read the paper and was shocked, she looked at Tzuyu and mouthed "He's your brother?"

Tzuyu just nodded. She saw Nayeon passing it to S. Coups, then to Jihyo. Jihyo mouthed "Knew it"

And Tzuyu just rolled her eyes at them. Tzuyu looked at Jungkook who was looking outside the window.

"Ms. Chou! Pay attention to the lecture and stop staring at Mr. Jeon! "

"S-sir I-I wasn't... "

"Silence Ms. Chou "

"Y-yes sir"

T I M E  S K I P

It was lunch and Tzuyu saw this as an opportunity to talk to Jungkook. Everyone started to get up and leave the classroom, including Jungkook but Tzuyu held his hand.

"Jungkook! "

Jungkook turned to her with a cold expression "What? "

Tzuyu didn't know why he was treating her that way so she snapped "Don't what me Jungkook! Why the hell are you mad at me?! What did I do wrong?! "

Jungkook was taken by surprise and turned away his cheeks reddening. It's weird how a minute ago he was mad at her and now he's all shy and blushing.

Boys are weird she thought.

"I-it's nothing! " he said defensively.

"Tell me! "

"I'mjealousoftheguyyouwerewithokay? " he said rushing.

"What?! "

"I said I was a bit jealous of the guy you were with!"

Tzuyu looked at him, trying to register what he said in her mind. Jeon Jungkook was jealous. Jealous of her brother.

Tzuyu snickered and her cheeks flushed, in no time she was laughing so hard.

"W-what's funny? " Jungkook asked.

Tzuyu just laughed "Oh...... My god! " she continued laughing, clutching her stomach.

"What?! "

"Yo-you're jealous..... of my brother! "

Jungkook stayed quite hiding his face behind his hands, clearly embarrassed "H-he's your brother? "

Tzuyu wiped away her tears of joy and tried to compose herslef "Y-yup" Tzuyu snickered but was able to control her laughter this time.

"I didn't know"

"It's alright Kookie" she said "I think we should head to the cafeteria now though "

I know there's a lot of timeskips but I'm sick at the moment but I still wanted to write this chapter for you guys...

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