The Friend Policy

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Ahhhh the beautiful world of having friends who are not Lebanese. A.k.a Your parents won't trust you for shit.
Shall we continue ?😂

When it comes to having/ making friends, Lebanese parents can get... how you say... extremely strict. As in... you might as well not have friends cause ya won't be able to see them strict.

You wanna hang out with your bestie for more than one day? Hayate forget it! One day is enough in the eyes of your beautiful middle eastern parents. You also know what this means right?

Thatssss rightttt

Sleeep ovaaaasss

A.k.a wtf is a sleepover if it's not at one of your cousins house.

Yesss. The beautiful world of not being able to sleep over your white friends homes because like I said... seeing your bestie for one day is enough. Which alsooo means ⬇️

You get to miss out and feel left out on every single birthday party sleepover you've ever been invited too(: yeah it's great:) r.i.p social life, if ya haven't noticed

If you ask your beautiful Arab parents to sleep over it'll probably go like this

You: "mama is it okay if I sleep over lea's house today?"
Mama: "your cousin Lea?"
You: "no mama my friend."
Mama without hesitation: "eh, la2" (yeah, no)
You: "but why?!!"
Mama: "didn't you already see Lea last month? That is enough! God forbid you should ever stay home and spend time with your family.*rambles on and on about how horrible of a daughter you are while you tune out*
You: "okay okay I get it!"
Mama: "eh, leken sideh bousik." (Okay then shut your mouth)

There ya have it habibis! The magnificent friend policy! This is why your cousins are your best friends, cause that's all your aloud to hang out with! ;)

HELLO MY BEAUTIFUL HABIBI GANG! 🇱🇧❤️IM SOSO SORRY I NEVER UPDATED SCHOOL IS A KILLER YO. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter I love you all from the bottom of my heart ❤️ and on a totally different subject ma birthday is comin up! Nov 26th 🤭😋 when are your birthdays??

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