17) Mother. Brother. Father. But who am I? (part 1)

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  • Dedicated to Hanna Beynon

17) Mother. Brother. Father. But who am I?

Amna’s POV.

It was Saturday. The day of the date. Hey look, and alliteration! I’m just that cool. Blake was about five minutes late. He said he’d meet me near the front of the school, near the reception.

Well, I’m not complaining! I mean, why should I? The weather’s nice. There’s a nice summer breeze and fit rugby players were playing on the nearby field. Oh should I wave? Or maybe giggle?

“Hey Amna!” A girl’s voice called. I turned around quickly, just in case Blake was kicked in the ball and had to re-sit puberty.

“Oh, thank god. Hey Abbie.” I sighed in relief.

“Is everything okay?” She asked pulling Noah forward. His deep sea eyes were bluer than usual. He was looking so handsome. And for once he didn’t wear a long sleeved top.
Noah’s arms were strong looking, and his body looked fine, if you asked me. Abbie was gripping onto him as if she was going to lose her life if she let go, or if he was more than a foot away from her.

“I haven’t seen you around recently.” I stated. “I’m just waiting for Blake you see.” I smiled.

“Oh, cool. What will you two be getting up to tonight?” She questioned whilst wiggling her eyebrows at me.

I laughed lightly. “Just going out. To get away from here. Something’s been bothering everyone recently. You see, Haris is panicking about our GCSE’s. I’m worrying about everyone back home in Bradford and on top of that, we’ve got our GCSE’s. Then there’s you, who’s doing and worrying over god knows what!” I laughed again. Oh damn, I started to ramble. “Anyway, everyone’s got their plateful and maybe it’s a good idea to get away for a while.” I smiled.

“You know what, that’s exactly what we’re doing.” Noah finally spoke.

“I’m making him stop working. Since the bust up with Rhys Jones last week, he’s been working his arse off. Not only that, he’s working my arse off too by not stopping with the questions and the constant revision. Even if it means an hour off, it’s better than nothing.” Abbie carried on with what Noah had said but in more detail.

“Yeah, that’s what we were thinking about doing too.” I laughed at Noah’s reluctant yet loving face.

“So what are you doing later with Blake?” Noah asked, wrapping his arms in front of Abbie.

“Oh just going for a coffee probably. Then maybe just chill out in town.” I smiled again. I hadn’t noticed how cute they were together. Excuse me while I go puke…

“So it’s a date?” He asked wiggling his eyebrows too. Come on people! Stop with the eyebrow wiggling!

“No!” I tried to think of something else to say, but instead a long pause was in place of my whit. “No!” I tried again.

I looked up at both people and went bright red. And I thought my cousin peeing on me was embarrassing….

“Oh, okay… We understand Amster.” Abbie winked. “Right, we need to be going, I want to see you climb a tree!” Abbie looked pleadingly at Noah.

“If I die, I blame you. And Amna here can prove it was you!” Noah waved his goodbye to me without saying a word.

“I’ll text you later, and maybe we could come back here together?” Abbie said before heading off into the direction the teachers tell us to never to go in. Well maybe she was allowed because she was basically the princess of the castle that’s known as St Albert’s Boys Boarding School. Yeah, she probably was allowed. No one would dare tell her no, or to tell her otherwise. Not that she abuses her royalty powers. She’s pretty down to earth and a fun girl. When she first said she was living here and getting her education here, it kind of made me judge her. Not that I judge people. It’s just… school full of boys and one girl. I just figured…. I figured the wrong thing I guess.

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