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Extra long chapter! ( 2395 Words to be exact) Yay! Also, it is quite... how do I put this... sad/exciting/worring/happy/ecstatic/joy/loss/hopefullness/cuteness/wonder/curiousness/depressing/cliffhanger-y.

-Drago's pov-

"Outstanding..." I said as a fleet of forty ships sailed into my harbour, sixteen of the ships forming a support of a huge metal platform, which was in the middle, with tree-like bars to make it into a cage. Eret and Sawd were manning the fleet, 20 boats each, and standing proudly on the stern of their main boat, a smug smile on their faces. But, what I looked at more than anything was the huge dragon in the middle of the cage. It was much bigger than I imagined: the description which Sawd gave me before did it no justice. It is true the Bewilderbeast is the King, but this is the God of all dragons, and I owened it. It would do whatever I wanted.

All we had to do was train it - and make it realise that I was his master and that he should follow me. And then... then Berk won't know what hit them...


A few hours after the safe arrival of my new secret weapon, Eret came to tall to me about Astrid.

"It's almost been 2 weeks - the venom we injected her with will begin to wear off. She needs to return today!" He told me.

"And what if she doesn't?" I asked in a gruff voice.

"Her memories will return." He said to me clearly.

"And what about her memories about us?" I asked, concerned that our plan will be destroyed by some petty girl and her dragon. She doesn't know about the alfa, but she does know about my hatred towards the Dragon Master and what use he will be to me.

"I am sorry to say that those memories won't go... she will remember everything she had heard and seen." He answered. I lunged forwards and lifted him up by his chin, squashing his cheeks and making him look at me.

"Then you better make sure she returns, or..." I said, leaving the threat hanging in the air. I realised my grip on him and he fell onto the wooden floor below me, coughing.

-Hiccup's pov-

I awoke from my unconsciousness with a groan and rubbed my forehead to try and get rid of my throbbing headache. I felt sweaty and hot and then I opened my eyes to find myself sitting against a rock wall in the cove, Toothless sleeping (like the lazy reptile he is) and soft purrs coming from him. I blinked the last traces of sleep from my eyes and stood to see a scene infront of me.

Astrid was tied to a tree, struggling and growling at a laughing Tuffnut and Ruffnut who were watching her struggling, laughing at every failed attempt to escape. Snotlout was gazing longingly in their direction and Fishlegs was reading a tattered brown book by the lake side.

"Why is she tied to a tree?" I asked Snotlout as I approached him. Without taking his eyes off the twins, he answered:

"Would it work?" He asked, mostly to himself.

"What?" I questioned him, unsure if I had heard him correctly.

"Would she say, yes?" He murmered again. I now realised his eyes were focused on Ruffnut who had doubled over in laughter, and his eyes hadn't moved off her the whole time.

"Yes to what?" I ask.

"Do you even think she knows I exist?" He continued.

"I hope so, you have been annoying her for 23 years! Although, I wouldn't put it past Ruff to ignore everyone..." I told him, "except her brother of course."

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