CHAPTER 67: A Dream Inside A Dream

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"Can I leave it to you girls instead? Please see to it that she reads the message. It is about the event for today." He told them. He was handing the envelope to Miyako when Mami elbowed her and snatched it.

"Okay. Sure." Mami piped happily.

The young man laughed.

"You can trust us on this one, Sir. By the way, may we know your name? We've seen you a few times already but we don't know what to call you." Mami said.

"Amane-desu. Amane Hotaru." He answered.

"That's a pretty name." Miyako commented.

"Thank you." Amane replied. "Well, I should be going now. Send my regards to Ms. Ryouko."

"Thank you, Amane-san." Mami smiled at him. He bowed and started to leave.

The girls waved as he made his way out of the gate. The moment that he was out of sight, Mami grinned, slammed the door shut, ran to the couch and jumped to the cushion. She hummed as she started to open the envelope.

"Mami! What are you doing?" Miyako said in horror.

Sakuno joined Miyako in reacting. "Ayase-san, you're not supposed to open it. That's for Ryouko-san to se—"

"Oh, just a peek. I'll reseal it afterwards. After all, Ryouko-chan will just show it to us after she had read it. The order doesn't matter. It's Ryouko-chan's fault for sleeping in." Mami interrupted.

"You are such a cheat." Tomoka said, her hands on her hips.

"Oh really? I bet you also want to know about the second event before us so your team can get an advantage." Mami said accusingly.

Tomoka's face turned red. "No I don't. Don't lump me in with your kind." She said in denial. The truth is, she did, and she was staring intently at the envelope, thinking of craning her neck to take a look once it is opened, before Mami said her accusation.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Anyway, I'm sure Ryouko-chan won't mind." Mami waved her hand at them in dismissal of the issue and concentrated on unsealing the envelope without damaging it.

"But it's not fair. Ryouko-san is the one with the authority to see it first." Sakuno said worriedly, hugging her pillow. But she couldn't help but be curious about the topic of the second event. After all, their team won the first one. She was feeling that they also needed to win the second one and make it consecutive.

"Fine, okay. Let's do it this way. I'll open the document and read it to you all, then we'll march upstairs to wake up Ryouko-chan. I'll inform her that it was me who opened the message. No harm to you guys but you'll still benefit. And if Ryouko-chan gets angry, I'll take responsibility? Capisce?" Mami said, offering them the option.

The three girls looked at each other. Miyako sighed. "Fine. There's no stopping you in opening that envelope anyway. I'll take part of the responsibility in being unable to stop your craziness."

Mami grinned at Miyako. "You're the best!" She turned her attention to the message. "Well, here goes..."

The three girls crowded around Mami as she opened the envelope, without care this time.

"Hm? What the?" Mami said. There was a small piece of paper inside and another smaller envelope. She took the paper and read what was written. "Please inform the campers that the event will start in the afternoon, 3 o'clock sharp, and the announcement of the event rules will be separate in each team. The team representatives will explain the rules to the members after lunch today. Ms. Ryouko Fujioka will open the document after breakfast and inform the other representatives. For the time being, please attend to your duties at hand. Thank you."

Tennis no Ojou-sama: A Prince of Tennis Fan FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora