Option #3 - After Thoughts (7/27/2018 New Chapter)

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Video: Hurts Like Hell By Fleurie

Vote for the kidnaping you think is best. Which one should make it to the published book of Breaking Eden?

As always, please point out any mistakes you may find while reading. Fresh eyes see everything I miss. And don't forget to vote, comment, and share to help get Breaking Eden to #1! :0)

Next Chapter coming soon....


Option #3

After Thoughts

                  Time slipped at an agonizingly slow pace as Eden waited for Diamond's return. She remained in the bathtub, soaking in its warmth until her fingers and toes shriveled up like prunes and the water turned uncomfortably cold.

Eden snagged the chain connected to the drain stopper and yanked it free. She watched, almost hypnotized, as a funnel formed between her feet and when the cloudy water dipped past her knees, she stood.

Diamond wasn't coming back anytime soon, and neither would Declan. The latter part made her happy. God only knew she could do without seeing him again tonight.

Eden wrapped a towel around her shivering body and stepped out onto of the tub.

As she yanked her shirt over her head, Eden spotted a mark on her upper arm. Her eyes narrowed at the offending burse that was sure to come.

"That son of a bitch." She moved closer to the mirror, inspecting it with a critical glare. You got to be kidding me! She wanted to scream.

Declan had left his mark on her all right. The darkening red line matched the length of a finger. She covered it with one of hers and sighed.

How long will it take for this to go away? She thought while drying her hair.

When she finished, she flung the damp towel into the still draining tub, proud at her defying act. It plopped into the water and was soaked within moments.

Let Declan clean that up. Eden switched off the bathroom light and opened the door. She froze at what was waiting for her on the other side.

"When did you come back?" Eden noticed that Diamond had changed back into her regular clothes. She leaned over her duffle bag, too busy packing up her things to turn around and answer Eden.

Eden crawled onto the bed, yawning. "Still giving me the silent treatment I see." 

Diamond shoved her pajamas into her bag and shook her head. "Girl." Diamond mumbled more to herself than for Eden.

Eden fluffed a pillow and watched Diamond move about the room, collecting her things. "You don't want to even share a room with me? What happened to not splitting up?"

"That was before." Diamond jerked to a stop.

"Awe, she can talk!" Eden laughed. "So spill, did you fuck Declan?"

Diamond zipped up her bag and shouldered the strap. "It's none of your damn business. You don't even like the guy so why the hell do you care?" 

"Seriously, how long do you plan on being mad at me?"

Diamond slipped on her shoes and paused long enough to say, "Pack your things he's sending up home tonight." With that, she disappeared into the hallway and shut the door behind her.

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