"Then how are we supposed to be together!" he whines like a little puppy.

"What is it? We can date outside of Fairy Tail?" he stands up as well rushing over to her, "What are you talking about dating? We're mates, Dragon Slayer mates, which is relatively rare. We past stage one and two, so we're already on stage infinity!" He gives her a cheeky grin swinging her around hugging her. He slows down a bit pulling apart just a tad, he looks down at her still noticing that he is still taller than her. She's still his little Riylore..

"Hold still now, I'm going to kiss you." he simply says, slipping a his index finger under her chin leaning in. Their lips touched, Riylore wasn't prepared but yet she shut her eyes. Their lips touched again, before they brushed up against each other. His hand travels down to her waist before he takes a gander and grips tightly on that ass.

Riylore gasps, breaking apart "What the hell Natsu!"

"Oh sorry." He's been faking all this time about being oblivious hasn't he?! She thinks to herself,

"Sorry sorry." he pulls her back into his grasp slamming his lips down to hers. She goes up on her tippy toes to meet with his lips easier, he laughs into the kiss. Nipping down on her bottom lip.

They broke apart, still blushing a lot was Riylore, Natsu on the other hand only showed a few dustings of red across from his face.

"I don't care anymore if you join Fairy Tail or not. My main goal is: your happiness.." clutching onto her waist making sure to keep his hand far away from her buttox.

"But only as long as you make sure that every man you come across that shows the slightest interest in you, just make sure they know the name Natsu Dragneel good and well.."

~The next morning~


It was early morning, too early for Natsu and I both to get up. We both stayed up late last night. So much happened last night.

I found out that my dragon spirit's always been with me, I just needed to unlock it and believe that I canI confessed to Natsu insulted him too in a weird way..And.. we kissed.

Not to mention.. we slept in the same bed last night. I smiled, we didn't do anything, I didn't mind either. He has a nice body, better than Gray's in my opinion. Ehee...

Though last night Natsu got a good handful of my ass, -_-

The birds chirped quietly, I was too tired to get up and begin the day, I wanted to stay in bed all day cuddling up next to Natsu. The sun's rays was blocked my Natsu's sleeping figure, I huddled closely to him. His arm was drapped around my waist, I could feel his soft breath as he slept. He only wore his shorts, in bed, I couldn't help but to eye him some more.

I'm such a pervert..

I'm going to have a lot of explained to do today as well.. jesus, my fourteen year old self just caught up four years from now. I'm suddenly missing my flat chest... ; _;

I got up slowly his arm weighed me down a little, the blankets drifted from my figure, I looked around the room, his travel bag was in the corner of the room near the closet. My eyes drifted away, shifting my neck around looking down at Natsu again, I patted his hair before rubbing his soft cheek.

The birds continued to make the sound of the morning, the sun peaked higher beyond the horizon. The day's slowly beginning, the rustling of the wind outside banged gently against the window.

"Hmm.. you smell nice in the morning."

What the fuck Natsu's awake!? I look down again to see him all cuddled him next to me his arms wrapped around my waist. My cheeks got hot, I was forgot the fact that I had no shirt on...

"Well.. isn't because mates smell their partners more than other normal Dragon Slayers?

He hums, "Yeah.. but.. you just smell good." he breaths gripping onto me tighter than before. "You're such an idiot .." I mumbled patting his head some more, scratching his hair softly, "Yeah but I'm your idiot now.." I sigh.. he's right..

When his eyes met mine I couldn't help but to bring the covers over me, "Don't — don't look at me like that.." I said annoyedly, "Oh c'mon! I can't look at my mate!?" he whisper-yells. Covering himself as well mocking me of what I did just before. "Ahh don't look at me.. doki doki! KYAA" He's such a dumbass... "Well you're not the one with boobs! Ever since my transformation my fourteen year old self didn't really need a bra..."

I glance at Natsu. He looks at me with a dull expression, his hand reaches for the covers yanking on them. The harder I pulled the more he yanked, "What are you doing you pervert!" I eye him, "I can't look at you?" the bed sheets ripped, Natsu sounded didn't sound annoyed he sounded irritated. "I want to look at you." he removes the piece of ripped cloth yanking it too from my hands. He moves closer to me his eyes staying peeled on mine.


I quickly cover myself up with my arm, "KYAA DON'T LET AT ME YOU IDIOT!!" I screeched, "RESONANCE DRAGON ROAR!" He was pushed from the bed in a single swift movement.The sound of him slamming up against the wall echoed and shook the entire room. He grunts getting up.

"Tch.. how am I supposed to mark you then?"






"GET OUT!!!!!!"

He rushes out the room when a speeding pillow comes hurling towards him.



Dragon Slayers today, am I right?

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