Missing home

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( hello guys )!!!

I went straight to my bedroom from the kitchen, to change into something cool, I feel like going to the mall or movies today, i wore a pair of blue jean and hot pink t shirt, i put on some concealer and powder on my face draw a thin line on my eye lids with a blue liner to help brighten up my eyes then apply some pink lip gloss, the reflection on the mirror said  I'm ready to go so i take a jacket because the weather can't be anything but cold in this winter and beside I'm still sick, i just have to hang around,i left the room and went down the hall as i hear the obnoxious sound. Of my phone i grab the annoying object to see who's calling me, to my surprise is Bella, it's been long we talked, since I moved to Canada "Lilllllllly" she shouts she always does that, annoying but I miss it" thank my stars someone is calling today"
" you should be doing that, so how are you my friend "
" all good dear, what about you "
" I'm great, I saw your mom at the mall, she told me you are sick, how are you feeling, is it serious i can come and have you been to the doctor no I know you didn't go to any doctor Lilly " she rants
" goodness Bella will you give me a room for some words, I'm always sick you know and cheelax I took some drugs, I'm feeling better, I feel like I should be sick often so you can call me all the time " i joke
We spend over one hour talking I asked her about Justin and she said  they were doing great, Justin is working with his father's company and they have moved to a bigger apartment, i gist her about my boss and everything that's happening lately, she was shouting like she's practically mad, she said she never thought there would be an interesting story in my life, she's a hideous bitch, I really like Bella, she's the only friend I got, she isn't judgmental, when I told about my illness she hugged me and pat my back she assured me everything will be okay, unlike other people, that's why when i move here, I didn't make any friends, I wanted to with Maya, but she's too dramatic and I've enough drama going on in my life already..

I went to the movies, I watched a comedy I laughed till my stomach hurts, I decided to do some shopping for groceries and also some clothes I shop for the groceries and took them to my car,then came back for the clothes I was looking for long dresses because I don't wear reveling clothes, I spot a long red dress and some other lovely dress, i picked some plus the red one because i fell in love with it the moment i saw it, I picked some few long skirts and some matching shirts and some flat slippers and toms, my life is really boring I some times one to look like one of those celebrities wear some short dresses and heels...
I unlocked my door and put the bags down on the floor then place the key on the  key rack, I went to get the remaining bags from the car, I spotted mrs jackson and went over to say hy she hugged and kiss me on the cheek " oh my dear your body is so hot and it's freezing, are you okay?" Concern evident  in her expression " I'm okay just some work str..... stress i guess" it looked like my lie wasn't appealing but she decided to let it slide, we waved goodbye , she's really mother figure. I went and placed all the groceries appropriately and then took the other bags to my room, i put them in the drawer and brought out some pants to change the jean that are hugging my legs, I changed and lay on the bed, why didn't sam call or he doesn't think I deserve an explanation for this morning, I decided to shove the thought away after hoping all is fine, I decided to take a 2 hour nap so I search for my phone and and set the alarm with the hope of making some dinner when i wake up and so i did....
I was eating the bacons i made and i was thinking of yesterday, my day was so good with Sam's company  i almost forgot all my problems when he's around, why do I keep thinking of him so much, this is absurd.....

I went the get some fresh air and digest the food I've eaten, i stand with my cup of lemonade on the steel clinging around the two sides of the building, since I moved here I never had a chance to admire the view of the city from here like today, i come here tho but I'm always lost in thought to see the beauty of this place, unknown to me I spent over an hour here I realized it when i went to the kitchen to make another lemonade, i made so much lemonade and put the excess in the refrigerator, I washed the juicers and everything then decided on going to bed, its 11 already,  i went and change to my nighties and decided on wearing some socks,i lay on my bed and click on my phone, turn on the data and decided to do a little chat on Facebook before going to sleep, i saw some of my school mate on line and I decided to wave at them thanks to the messenger app, we chatted for over 30 minutes and I decided to sleep tomorrow is going to be tough is a working day, and I will be seeing sam, I plug my phone to charge, set an alarm for 6 because I want to be early ,i switch off the bed side lamp  and cover my self in a blanket

( don't forget the little  star, it matters a lot)ily?

Love came last जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें