If you were close to the Denbrough family

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- Going to their family dinners.

"So, [Y/N], Bill's been telling
me about you."

"Oh, he has?"


- Always getting invited to the
Quarry, though only really
socializing with Bill.

- Richie teasing Bill about
asking you out.

"Billy boy, why don't you
just ask the girl out?"

"Because i-it's not th-that
easy for me, R-Richie."

"Someone's in loooove."


- You saving Georgie from
going any farther than he did
in the movie.

"Georgie, bud, hold my hand!"

"Okay, Miss [Y/N]."

- Georgie always asking Bill
when you would come over.

"Bill! Bill! When is [Y/N]
coming over?"

"I-I don't know, G-Georgie."

- Bill LOVING how much his
brother enjoys you and
your company.

- "Sometimes I wonder if he
has a crush on you,"

Jokingly. Of course.

- You coloring with Georgie.

"What're you drawing?"

"A boat! That I'm going
to own one day."

- Walking with the two siblings
every morning for school.

"Georgie, what do you think
you're going to learn today?"

"Ms. Katherine said we're going
to explore the sea!"

- Having separated moments
with just Bill.

"I like it here."


"Yeah, I do.. but only
because of you and Georgie, Bill.."

- Bill admiring you, any
chance he gets.

'She's beautiful..'

- Going to the arcade with them.

"You got this, Georgie!"

- Biking, with Georgie usually
in your lap.

If Bill and you finally
kissed :

You sat on the Denbrough household roof with your secretive crush, Bill. His arms were loosely wrapped around his legs as he gazed the stars that filled the midnight sky. While he was admiring the brightness of the particles, you were admiring the way they illuminated his face and gave it the perfect shading possible.

A sigh escaped your lips and you looked ahead, eyes glazing over the vacant streets of Derry. The boy took note of the subtle sound and scooted himself closer to you.

"[Y-Y/N].." He called, you only giving a humming reply. After a minute of nothing else being said by him, you turned your head. Immediately a hand grasped for your cheek, and you jumped slightly. Your palm hit down against the harsh material of the roofing as his rose colored lips pushed onto your own.

Your eyebrows furrowed at the feeling of fireworks going off in your chest, before your body gladly leant into the kiss. He smiled and took a small amount of time to enjoy it, before pulling away with a heavy inhale. Even though it was dark and the only light you could see was the one above, you could see the blush that dusted over his pale complexion.

"Wow, Bill.." Your bottom lip tugged in between the rows of teeth that incased in your mouth, before
your moment was cut off by the sound of Georgie's voice.

"Aha! I knew it!"

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