Chapter 24

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They were here already. These people attacking innocent human beings just to find us. Why? Why terrorize these people. It's sick, horrible. Don't they see us we are just walking straight through this, mess.

"HEY Sir look there they are! What do we do?" A man shouted still fighting a old man.

"Get after them! NOW!" Someone in the background. I couldn't see through all the people who it was. Then I saw the man attacking the elderly man, slash him from head to toe. I stopped. Men are the brutal? That man was protecting his family. Then Jumoke grabbed my hand and pulled me away. The man was running after us, calling out to other men to follow him. This was all our fault wasn't it, we caused these people to attack this village. A village which I grew up. I hope my family if alright. Fingers crossed they haven't been taken by the wrong people. Oh Bast please make sure they are safe.

"Femi are you okay? Quick in here." Jumoke pulled me into a building and ran out the other side.

"Have we lost them?" I asked.

"We should of but, I can not be to sure. We need to push on. Come on into the woods, then to where we are camping. If we can find them." His voice dropped. I know he was struggling. But we just had to keep moving. When we got to the each of the woods I looked behind and saw that the struggle was still going. No one was behind us but, soon they would find us.

"Come on Jumoke let's get moving we need to keep going and find the others. Which means we will need to go around the village staying under the trees." I said trying to be strong. All I wanted to do was cry. This was to much. I can't deal with this. It's one thing after another. Don't they struggle? Don't they talk about it?

"Yes you are right." He got up and started to walk. I followed, I felt like a lost sheep. That is two homes I have lost now. I belong no where now. I'm a traveller. As we walked around the screams and cries quietened down. That means either everyone is dead or captured. I want to go back and help but, that is putting everyone at risk. That is one thing I won't do. They are my family. Maybe the only family I have. Now.

"Femi, look it's our carts. They are still here." Jumoke said. His voice has picked up.

"Calm down and keep quiet, you never know. There is a possibility they have been caught an we are there only hope if they have." I whispered.

"You're right. We need to sneak up some how." He replied.

"Well we could go round to Pane's caught and check his first. Unless they may keep an eye on that one more, due to the fact he is a kind of leader."

"You are right. Rosie's will be the best as no one is to sure if they are together or not. It's quite annoying. They should just be together. Everyone can see it except them it's crazy." So we snuck round to Rosie's cart which she shares with Bethany.

As we peeked through the window. We saw.

We saw Pane lying there covered in blood. Rosie was by his side. Holding his hand. Bethany next to her comforting her the best she could. We had to get in there. 

"Jumoke is it clear?" I asked, still whispering just in case. 

"Yes, no one is there except our people." He said. 

"Lets go." I said stepping toward the cart. He followed. As I lifted the tarpaulin everyone moved away. They looked at us in shock.

"What's the matter?" I asked. 

"W-well we thought you were dead or captured. We never thought you got out of the village." Bethany said, speaking for all of them. 

"I see but, we did and we will need to move now." I replied. 

"That's going to be hard. Pane is in no state to travel. We will have to stay here for a few more days. I know it's dangerous but, can we really but Pane's life at risk?" Bethany questioned. 

"True however, it is one life over 20. Pane would not want us to risk their lives over his. We need to think like he would not how we think." Jumoke said.  He was meant to be a ruler. 

"You are right. We need to think of a way of getting out of here. They would of surrounded the whole woods. Men will be watching out for us. We have lefted it to late." Bethany was concerned you could see by her face. She was scared to leave but, I can't see why. 

"If they have they would of found us by now, The quicker we leave the less likely we get caught. Now gather everyone up and lets get going." Jumoke said and before anyone could agree or disagree he was out of the cart gathering everyone to get their belongings and move out. 

"Femi, do you think this is right?" Bethany asked. 

"I am not to sure, there is nothing else we can do." I replied.

"You are right. We must get going. It is the best. I am worried for Rosie though. If Pane doesn't make it I'm not to sure what she will do. They are each others rock." Bethany looked at Rosie, her face was full of worry. I could feel her concern and that they have been friends for a while and are very close. 

"Hmm I see what you mean. She is already struggling with him being injured. Can we help him like you did with Jumoke?" I asked. Maybe there was a chance they saved Jumoke can't they do it with Pane.

"No we can't as it was Pane who saved him. Non of us have the power except. No sorry. I said to much don't worry." Beth looked away sheepishly. 

"Come on continue."  I urged her on. 

"There is a legend that says that one day our people will find another as powerful as Pane. The events we have been seeing are the same as the ones which lead to the discovering of this person. Soon it should be revealed who it is." Bethany said. 

"Really? Who do you think it is?" I asked curious to find out more. 

"I have no clue." She replied going back to Rosie. 

"We are ready to leave. Sit down Femi. I will be in Pane's cart you can join or stay here?" Jumoke asked.

"I will go with you. I need to talk to you." I said. I climbed out of Rosie's cart and walked to Pane's cart. I just sat and waited for Jumoke. I need answers now. This whole thing this confusing me.why can't we use powers to get out of here? Isn't that possible? Why can't we save Pane? Who am I? What am I? No on seems to have any straight answers. 

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