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Jimin POV: 

I love Hobi with all my heart... I do. But I've had my doubts before. And I know that he had his. It wasn't hard to tell that him and Yoongi had something going on there. And it wasn't hard to see that I was all over the maknaes. 

But his sunshiney smile made anybody's heart melt. Including mine. 

He was asleep next to me on the couch waiting for the stylists to finish with Jin and Namjoon. The two of them always seemed to take the longest for some unknown reason. His smile made it clear to me that he was dreaming of something good. 

I slowly started to run my fingers through his soft auburn hair. His suit making him look evermore sexy. 

He slowly opened his eyes and stared up at me. 

"Good dream baby?" 

J-Hope POV:

Honestly, it was a good dream. But I felt guilty when I looked up and saw Jimin watching me sleep. His blonde hair framing his gorgeous prince like face. 

I had been dreaming about Yoongi. 

I looked around and found him, his black hair and blue suit making him look like Eric from Little Mermaid. He was the prince I wanted. 

To Jimin I was just another toy, like the maknaes. I wasn't anything to him and he wasn't anything to me. He was just another boy wanting my attention more than I wanted his. 

I sat up and smiled before deciding to walk around and warm my voice up. I walked past Namjoon who stopped me and wanted to talk to me. 

"If you want Yoongi, don't lead Jimin on." He said sternly to me.

"I'm not leading..." I began. 

"Even if you aren't, just be careful. Jimin takes things for what they aren't more often than not. So just be careful around him." 

I nodded "Ok I won't." 

"Thanks Hyung." 

Being the leader Namjoon tended to take care of all of us. Even his Hyungs. He had a sweet spot for us. 

I walked around a bit more until I was stopped by Yoongi. He smiled at me before taking my wrist and leading me to the back where no one was. 

"Y-Yoongi?" I stuttered as he faced me. 

His lips softly touched mine before he pulled back. 

"I just wanted to test something." He says before kissing me again.

I fall into his kiss but pull away before anything else happens.  I turn around smiling holding Yoongi's hand in mine. 

The smile shatters as Jimin sees the both of us.  

Jimin POV: 

Why am I crying? He has what he wants and I can have what I want.

So why does this hurt? 

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