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Aphmau's Pov~
*With my Mom in the car* Mom!! Are we almost there? "Yes Sweetie" Ok..Mom? I'm Scared! I'm 18 and I'm going to Falcon Claw University, I'm staying there for a week. BY myself..
"Don't worry. I had to do the same thing when I was in college." I know you did but.. *We arrive* We get out and get out my suitcase. We walk in. *Gasps* Wow!! It's beautiful! A girl walks up to me. "Hi!! I'm Jenny!" We shake hands. I'm Aphmau. Call me Aph. "Aphmau? Unique name!" Thanks! "I'm Aphmau's Mom, Savanah. (idk how to spell her name)
"I'm your team leader for this following week!" My Mom starts to cry. "SWEETIE!!! *I hug her* DONT LEACE MEH!! ILL BE LONELY!!" Mom!! Stop your embarrassing me!! "Haha!! Awe! You two are so cute!" Ugh! Thanks.. Mom let goooo!! " *I let go crying* WAHHH!!" Mom! Shut it!! I hug her. Mom I love you, I will always be your baby, ok? "Ok Mija.. I love you to" "Bye. I leave to go in the car" A tear goes down my cheek. Jenny grabs my shoulder. "Hey. Don't worry. This is how I felt when I started college." I look at her. Thanks! I wipe my tear. "Here's your keys to your room. If you follow me please I will show you your room." Thanks. Ok let's go. "Your room 358. Follow me." We walk to my dorm/room. I walk in my room. My mouth goes wide open. Woooow.. it's so..big! "Haha! It is. Really." Well I'm going to decorate my room. "Ok, if you need any help, *gives her my number* call or text me." Ok I will. Then Jenny leaves the room. I start to decorate my room.

I finished my room and I look outside. Dark?! Already?? *Yawns* Well..I am tired. *I change into P'JS* Alright.. time for bed. *i brush my teeth and go to bed*

The next morning~
*My alarm goes off* BEEP•BEEP•BEE- *i turn off my alarm* Noo..morning already.. *i get up and make my bed*  Hmm.. What time is it?? *I grab my phone and look at the time* 8:47.. My first class is at 9:00.. I should hurry up and get ready.

15 Minuets later~
Ah! Done.   *Looks at my phone* 9:05 IM LATE! Well 5 minuets late but still!!! *Runs to class* Where is my class!??   Jenny walks by. Hey! Jenny! *I run up to her quickly* Can you help me please?? "Yeah! What's up?" Where's classroom 48? "We have the same class! Here I'll show you" Jenny walks down the halls with me follow her behind her. "Here it is." WHAT??!! I PAST THIS ROOM LIKE 3 TIMES!! "Haha!! Your so funny! Come let's go in." Okay. We walk in with everyone loud and on desks, Umm..?? What are they doing?? "I don't know Aph." Jenny looks for the teacher. "Where's the teacher?" A random girl with black and red hair comes up to us and says, "We don't know.." Who's we? I ask. She points to a big group of kids. They all looked around the room. There's 5 girls and 7 boys. The girl puts out her hand. "I'm Diana!" I take it and shake it. I'm Aphmau! "Nice to meet you." You to! Jenny shakes her hand. "Im Jenny. Nice to meet you."you to!" Theres this one boy, if looks really popular because there's a whole group of girls drooling over him. Who's that? I point at the boy. "Oh that's Mike, the most hottest and baddest boy you will ever meet."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2018 ⏰

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