one. we're the same

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"No. The only thing that's going to help is for you to feed and complete the transition." Damon said.

"We have all day before she has to feed, Damon. That's a day to exhaust every possible way out of this."

"There is no way out of it! We all know the drill, you feed or you die. There is no door number three." Damon sternly stated, the Salvatore brothers yet again arguing.

"That's enough!" Kristina yelled "This is already a crappy situation and we don't need you two arguing being added to the mix."

"I was ready to die." Elena cried "I was supposed to die, I don't-I don't want- I can't be a vampire! If there's something that Bonnie can do, we have to try it."

"We will." Stefan nodded with determination "We'll try everything."

Damon sighed "It's your choice, Elena. As always." Damon stood up and walked out the room, Stefan following suite to speak to Damon.

Kristina took a spot on the bed next to Elena, embracing her immediately "We're going to work this out ok? I know because you and me we're different but the same." She pulled back and held onto her hands as Kristina eyes turned to a bright shade of amber, Elena slowly began to stop the tears that fell "I'm so sorry this happened to you but if I'm being honest, you being a vampire is better than being dead. I don't think I could live loosing somebody else that I love."

Elena smiled with her old tears still in her eyes "Don't worry Krist, I'm not going anywhere."

Kristina nodded and got up off of the bed "I gotta go see Caroline, but I'll be back as soon as I can." She smiled and left Elena's room, finally being able to take a breath as she walked down the stairs and out the door, ignoring the vampire brothers bickering. Kristina walked down the driveway to her car only to be pierced with a sharp object and surrounded by darkness a second later.


As Kristina groggily awoke, the sound of a car engine echoed through her ears. She went to move her hands but was stopped with a sudden zap of pain that struck through her wrists. Wolfsbane. Kristina looked up to find Caroline and Rebekah sat in front of her in that exact same position.

"Caroline? Rebekah? What's going on?" She continued to pull at her tied wrists in hopes of escape but did not succeed.

"Looks like Alaric outed us all to the council." Caroline assumed, annoyance filling her tone. "Vampires and I guess werewolf."

Kristina growled "That's two faced son of a bitch...literally."

Rebekah turned to the two "I'm an original. What exactly do they think they can do to me?"

Before the two could respond, the van braked suddenly causing the windows to smash and the car to topple over. The two girls groaned in pain as they slowly healed, blood pouring out everywhere, Caroline unconscious from the hard hit. Kristina held her head in agony, the next they knew the back doors of the van were being ripped off and there stood Tyler. The werewolf girl couldn't believe her eyes, the man she thought was gone forever had come back. He came back for her.


"I'm harder to kill than you think." He ripped the ropes from around her wrists, setting her free.

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